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OpenSG SG Conformity – Security Conformity July 22, 2010 Bobby Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenSG SG Conformity – Security Conformity July 22, 2010 Bobby Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenSG SG Conformity – Security Conformity July 22, 2010 Bobby Brown

2 Agenda Thursday, July 22nd Overview Security Conformance & Charter Align with Conformity WG – Use Cases OpenHAN, OpenADE, OpenADR – Identify Security Functions/Services Identify Requirements and Standards Discuss Development of Abstract Security Test Cases Support TCC and CSWG Testing & Certification Subgroup

3 Review Security Conformity TF Charter Establish security conformance requirements for laboratories desiring to certify smart grid components and systems and; Establish clear scoping boundaries, perform research to identify existing models, and propose a high-level philosophy of approach. Chair: Bobby Brown, EnerNex representing Consumers Energy, Vice-Chair: needed

4 Conformance Definitions a)“Is any activity to determine, directly or indirectly, that a process, product, or service meets relevant standards and fulfills relevant requirements.” ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004 b)Conforms if… “has not been proven to be non- conformant with standard x”

5 Which Areas? Work closely with Conformity Groups – OpenHAN – OpenADR – OpenADE

6 Which Requirements & Standards? OpenSG – OpenHAN, OpenADE, OpenADROpenHAN OpenSG – Security Profiles Testing & Certification Committee List of Standards- SGIP_TCC_Interoperability_Issue_Assessment _Process_V02.pdf SGIP_TCC_Interoperability_Issue_Assessment _Process_V02.pdf

7 Identify Generic Security Functions/Services Authentication Logging/Auditing Alerting Secure Data Transfer Authorization

8 Example Pattern of Secure Wireless Access on Private Network

9 Develop Abstract Test Cases Template

10 Outward Support SGIP Testing & Certification Committee CSWG Testing & Certification Sub-group SG Security CyberSec-Interop

11 Meeting Logistics Currently every Friday at 2:00PM Eastern Time – propose to meet with Conformity WG for now OPENSG-SGCONFORM-SEC@SMARTGRIDLISTSERV.ORG Contact to be added to

12 Thank you! Bobby Brown, EnerNex

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