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CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 1 Overview of QAST 2008 - Question Answering on Speech Transcriptions - J. Turmo, P. Comas (1), L.

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Presentation on theme: "CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 1 Overview of QAST 2008 - Question Answering on Speech Transcriptions - J. Turmo, P. Comas (1), L."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 1 Overview of QAST 2008 - Question Answering on Speech Transcriptions - J. Turmo, P. Comas (1), L. Lamel, S. Rosset (2), N. Moreau, D. Mostefa (3) (1) UPC, Spain (2) LIMSI, France (3) ELDA, France QAST Website :

2 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 2 Outline 1.Objectives 2.Description of the tasks 3.Participants 4.Results 5.Future work

3 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 3 Objectives of QAST 2008 -Development of robust QA for speech transcripts -Measure loss due to ASR inaccuracies manual transcriptions, automatic transcriptions -Measure loss at different ASR word error rates -Test with different kinds of speech spontaneous speech, prepared speech -Development of QA for languages other than English English, French, Spanish

4 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 4 QAST 2008 Organization Task jointly organized by : -UPC, Spain (Coordinator) J. Turmo, P. Comas -ELDA, France N. Moreau, D. Mostefa -LIMSI-CNRS, France S. Rosset, L. Lamel

5 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 5 Evaluation Data CorpusLang.DescriptionTasksWER CHIL QAST 2007 EnglishLectures (~25h)T1(a): Manual transcriptions - T1(b): ASR transcriptions 20% AMI QAST 2007 EnglishMeetings (~100h)T2(a): Manual transcriptions - T2(b): ASR transcriptions 38% ESTERFrenchBroadcast News (~10h) T3(a): Manual transcriptions - T3(b): ASR transcriptions 11.9% / 23.9% / 35.4% EPPS- EN EnglishSessions European Parliament (~3h) T4(a): Manual transcriptions - T4(b): ASR transcriptions 10.6% / 14.0% / 24.1% EPPS- ES SpanishSessions European Parliament (~3h) T5(a): manual transcriptions - T5(b): ASR transcriptions 11.5% / 12.7% / 13.7%

6 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 6 Development setEvaluation set TaskData# questionsData# questions T1 (CHIL, English)10 seminars5015 seminars100 T2 (AMI, English)50 meetings50118 meetings100 T3 (ESTER, French)6 shows5012 shows100 T4 (EPPS, English)3 sessions503 sessions100 T5 (EPPS, Spanish)1 session505 sessions100 Questions Factual questions: ~75% Expected answers = named entities (10 types: person, location, organization, language, system, measure, time, color, shape, material) Definition questions: ~25% 4 types of answers: person, organization, object, other ‘NIL’ questions: ~10%

7 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 7 Participants could submit up to: –2 submissions per task (and per WER) –5 answers per question Answers for ‘manual transcriptions’ tasks: Answer_string + Doc_ID Answers for ‘automatic transcriptions’ tasks: Answer_string + Doc_ID + Time_start + Time_end Submissions

8 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 8 Four possible judgments (as in QA@CLEF): Correct / Incorrect / Inexact / Unsupported ‘Manual transcriptions’ tasks: Manual assessment with the QASTLE interface ‘Automatic’ transcriptions tasks Automatic assessment (script) + manual check 2 metrics: –Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) measures how well right answers are ranked on average –Accuracy fraction of correct answers ranked in the first position Assessments

9 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 9 49 submissions from 5 participants: Participants T1aT1bT2aT2bT3aT3bT4aT4bT5aT5b 2-----2--- ------12-- 1111231323 ------13-- 1212--1616 43232361439 Univ. Chemnitz (CUT) INAOE LIMSI Univ. Alicante (UA) UPC TOTAL:

10 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 10 Best results for manual transcriptions Task T1a T2a T3a T4a T5a Factual MRRAcc(%) 0.5347.4 0.4737.8 0.5045.3 0.4440.0 0.3229.3 Definitional MRRAcc(%) 0.1818.2 0.2219.2 0.4744.0 0.1616.0 0.4436.0 All MRRAcc(%) 0.4541.0 0.4033.0 0.4945.0 0.3734.0 0.3531.0

11 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 11 Best results for ASR transcriptions TaskWER T1b20.0% T2b38.0% T3b11.9% 23.9% 35.4% T4b10.6% 14.0% 24.1% T5b11.5% 12.7% 13.7% All MRRAcc(%) 0.3431.0 0.2018.0 0.4541.0 0.3025.0 0.2421.0 0.3330.0 0.2420.0 0.2319.0 0.2624.0 0.2320.0 0.2523.0 All (manual) MRRAcc(%) 0.4541.0 0.4033.0 0.4945.0 0.3734.0 0.3531.0

12 CLEF 2008 Workshop Aarhus, September 17, 2008  ELDA 12 5 participants (as in 2007) 4 different countries (vs. 5 in 2007) Germany, Spain, France, Mexico 49 submitted runs (vs. 28 runs in 2007) Loss in accuracy with ASR transcribed speech (performance falls when WER rises) QAST 2009: Written & Oral Questions... Conclusion

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