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 Please sit with your group from yesterday and get out your graphic organizers and any notes you took yesterday.  Current Event Presenters – PREPARE!

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Presentation on theme: " Please sit with your group from yesterday and get out your graphic organizers and any notes you took yesterday.  Current Event Presenters – PREPARE!"— Presentation transcript:


2  Please sit with your group from yesterday and get out your graphic organizers and any notes you took yesterday.  Current Event Presenters – PREPARE!

3  Go to my class website:  Scroll to today’s date and click the link.  Use the yellow post-it note’s number to determine which section you are responsible for.  Answer your topic’s questions on a separate piece of paper.

4  Use the butcher paper to create a poster with the most important information about your assigned topic.  You must include:  Your group’s number and topic title  Who, What, Where, When, Why, How and Why it matters today.

5  Use the posters around the room to complete your graphic organizers.

6  Please take out your graphic organizers from last Friday. Absent? You can get our copy from the file: week 3, folder labeled “Latin American Webquest Graphic Organizer”

7  1. Social hierarchy  2. Napoleon weakened Spain’s empire  3. Overall unhappiness with life in Latin America

8  1. Napoleon’s invasion of Spain and Portugal weakened those empires and have Latin American colonists the chance/motivation to revolt

9  1. Simon Bolivar (Venezuela)  2. Jose de San Martin (Argentina)  3. These leaders got people going in the revolutions.

10  1. Mexican War of Independence – 1810  2. Brazil’s War of Independence

11  Toussaint L’Ouverture led the slave revolt to free Haiti

12  1. Caudillos – new government, Spanish speaking military/political leaders  2. US Monroe Doctrine – any interventions by external powers in the Americas is a hostile act against the US  3. Political problems (disunity)  4. Land sales  5. Trade increased

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