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◦ NameColor Burned  1  2  3  4  5  6  Unknown #1  Unknown #2.

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Presentation on theme: "◦ NameColor Burned  1  2  3  4  5  6  Unknown #1  Unknown #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 ◦ NameColor Burned  1  2  3  4  5  6  Unknown #1  Unknown #2

2 How to draw Bohr Diagrams and Electron Dot Diagrams (sometimes called Lewis Structures)

3  Pictographic representation of an Atom Shows information about the nucleus Electron energy levels Good for index cards and flash cards

4 Start with a rectangle about 2” x 4”

5 At the top write the name, Atomic number, Mass number of the element and the atomic mass Carbon Atomic # = 6 Mass # = 12 Atomic mass = 12.011 amu

6 Draw a small circle below the text that will represent the nucleus of the atom In the circle write: the elemental symbol the number of Protons the number of Neutrons Carbon Atomic # = 6 Mass # = 12 Atomic mass = 12.011 amu C 6p + 6n 0

7 Draw a larger circle around the nucleus circle to represent the first energy level for electrons Carbon Atomic # = 6 Mass # = 12 Atomic mass = 12.011 amu Add more circles outside to include all of the energy levels you need for the atom. (Hint: In what period is the element?) Carbon is in Period two and therefore needs two energy levels C 6p + 6n 0

8  Find out which period (row) your element is in.  Elements in the 1 st period have one energy level.  Elements in the 2 nd period have two energy levels, and so on.

9 Now add electrons, as small dots, to each energy level as allowed until you have the proper number of electrons for a neutral element. Carbon Atomic # = 6 Mass # = 12 Atomic mass = 12.011 amu The number of electrons should be equal to the number of protons. Remember : Energy Level # of e - 12 28 38 C 6p + 6n 0 If you need a third level make your circles a little smaller.

10 You now have a complete Bohr Diagram Carbon Atomic # = 6 Mass # = 12 Atomic mass = 12.011 amu C 6p + 6n 0

11 1) Draw a nucleus with the element symbol inside. 2) Carbon is in the 2 nd period, so it has two energy levels, or shells. 3) Draw the shells around the nucleus. C C

12 1) Add the electrons. 2) Carbon has 6 electrons. 3) The first shell can only hold 2 electrons. C C

13 1) Since you have 2 electrons already drawn, you need to add 4 more. 2) These go in the 2 nd shell. 3) Add one at a time -starting on the right side and going counter clock-wise. C C

14 1) Check your work. 2) You should have 6 total electrons for Carbon. 3) Only two electrons can fit in the 1 st shell. 4) The 2 nd shell can hold up to 8 electrons. 5) The 3 rd shell can hold 18, but the elements in the first few periods only use 8 electrons. C C

15 Try the following elements on your own: a)H b)He c)O d)Al e)Ne f)K C C

16 Try the following elements on your own: a)H – 1 electron b)He c)O d)Al e)Ne f)K H H

17 Try the following elements on your own: a)H b)He - 2 electrons c)O d)Al e)Ne f)K HeHe HeHe

18 Try the following elements on your own: a)H b)He c)O - 8 electrons d)Al e)Ne f)K O O

19 Try the following elements on your own: a)H b)He c)O d)Al - 13 electrons e)Ne f)K Al

20 Try the following elements on your own: a)H b)He c)O d)Al e)Ne - 10 electrons f)K NeNe NeNe

21 Try the following elements on your own: a)H b)He c)O d)Al e)Ne f)K - 19 electrons K K

22  Also called Lewis Structures  Representation of valence electrons only  Useful only for “Representative elements”  Gives some indication of the geometry (shape) of compounds when used for bonding diagrams  Easy to draw

23  To find the # of valence electrons look at the group  Group 1  Group 2  Group # = # of valence electrons

24  The Elemental Symbol serves as the representation of the nucleus

25  Dots are added around the nucleus to show electrons only in the outer energy level Carbon has only 4 electrons in the 2 nd energy level so we need only represent those 4 Like the Hund rule add 1 electron per side, then add more as needed.

26  Lewis structures only apply to “Representative elements” (Group A elements) Only s and p sublevel electrons in the outer or highest energy level are shown. These are called valence electrons. The maximum number of electrons that can be shown are 8

27  Lewis structures only apply to “Representative elements” (Group A elements) The maximum number of electrons that can be shown are 8 Only s and p sublevel electrons in the outer or highest energy level are shown. These are called valence electrons.

28  Lewis structures only apply to “Representative elements” (Group A elements) The maximum number of electrons that can be shown are 8 Only s and p sublevel electrons in the outer or highest energy level are shown. These are called valence electrons.

29  Lewis structures only apply to “Representative elements” (Group A elements) The maximum number of electrons that can be shown are 8 Only s and p sublevel electrons in the outer or highest energy level are shown. These are called valence electrons.

30  Transition metals don’t have valence electrons. They have Oxidation Numbers +2 +4 We’ll Talk about Oxidation Numbers Next Week!

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