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Lab-Wide Earned Value Management System Project Core Team Meeting November 12, 2008 Dean A. Hoffer/Elaine McCluskey.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab-Wide Earned Value Management System Project Core Team Meeting November 12, 2008 Dean A. Hoffer/Elaine McCluskey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab-Wide Earned Value Management System Project Core Team Meeting November 12, 2008 Dean A. Hoffer/Elaine McCluskey

2 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 2 Agenda 1)System Description and Implementing Procedures a)Cleanup [Elaine] b)Rollout [Dean] c)Pocket Guide progress [Elaine] 2)OECM Pre-Meeting 6-Nov outcome [Dean] 3)Training a)2 Day EVMS Training status [Dean] b)Special Topic Areas Training – show what we have [All] c)Scheduling topic training [Elaine/Dean] 4)FYIs a)Status of customized Cobra CPR5 3 month rolling average report [Suzanne] b)Status of Free Physicists Guidance Document from OHAP [Dean/Elaine] 5)Status of Action Items

3 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 3 Document Revisions Need to be done in advance of giving OECM documents very shortly Includes removing funding references from procedures, correcting reference to OHEP free physicist guidelines Also need accounting procedure references for crosswalk table – Finance responsibility Need to get documents resigned – goal by Nov 21

4 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 4 Document Rollout Presentation tomorrow, 13-Nov Field Financial Managers FFM meeting Will issue email to current and future project leaders Arrange to present at Director’s Senior Manager Group meeting (Difficult to find a date when all are around) Generate memo from Pier to be sent to all current and planned project folks, plus D/S/C heads for distribution down (memo will be timed with Director’s Senior Manager Group presentation) Article in Fermilab Today (Peter G. sent email to Fermilab Today but no feedback) (will time with the 2 items above)

5 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 5 Pocket Guide Status Per last meeting, changes have been marked up Harry created new definitions/acronyms list All going to Terry for compilation Probably ready in a couple weeks Need one week before EVMS training?

6 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 6 OEMC Pre-meeting Outcome Well attended by Fermilab and Fermi site office senior management Determined Readiness Assessment (RA) will be week of 5 Jan (will propose to OECM Friday, 9-Jan) Need to have System Description and Procedures to them by 8 Dec May not interview all CAMS at certification review NOVA is only project being reviewed Some topics they brought up - to be handled at RA –Free physicist policy –MR versus contingency –CAMS being on site versus phone interviews

7 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 7 Training Status 2-day training status – scheduled for Dec 3 & 4 Topic training – schedule in limbo Any preliminary looks at training presentations? (Bill, Suzanne, Dean, Elaine)

8 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 8 FYIs Status of customized Cobra CPR5 3 month rolling average report [Suzanne] Status of OHEP Guidance - latest from Peter [Dean]

9 12-Nov-2008Lab-Wide EVMS Project Core Team Meeting 9 Action Items New Action ItemAssigned to Develop memo to come from Pier for system roll-outDean Schedule 2-day trainingDean/John Cooper Make comments on pocket guide for 5 Nov meetingCore Team Add remove funding line on WAD form to fix-up list for documentsElaine See about scheduling topic training for CAMs during NOvA Tech Board meetings on Nov 18, Dec 9 & 16, Jan 6 NOvA members of Core Team Prepare topic training for brief show to core team on Nov 12Bill, Suzanne, Dean, Elaine In-progress Action Item Summarize spares meeting notes for distributionDean Continue efforts on Fermilab implementation of OHEP direction on free physicists Dean/Elaine

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