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Created by Heather Goodwin. Navigate EADMS, specifically Local Item Editor Understand the steps to create a new passage in EADMS Understand the steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Heather Goodwin. Navigate EADMS, specifically Local Item Editor Understand the steps to create a new passage in EADMS Understand the steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Heather Goodwin

2 Navigate EADMS, specifically Local Item Editor Understand the steps to create a new passage in EADMS Understand the steps to create Selected Response (SR) items in EADMS Understand the steps to create Constructed Response (CR) items in EADMS

3 Navigate EADMS, specifically Local Item Editor

4 Username is your district email address (e.g., Password is user specific Click on Forgot Username/Password? if unsure

5 Scroll over Testing tab Click on Local Item Editor

6 Content Portal page offers access to two features: Items Passages

7 Items feature allows you to: Create new items Edit existing items Create a copy from an existing item Create an alternate form of an existing item Search for items

8 Passages feature allows you to: Create new passages Edit existing passages Create a copy from an existing passage

9 Understand the steps to create a new passage in EADMS

10 In the Passages feature on the Content Portal page Select “Create New” from the Action: dropdown menu Click Go

11 About This Passage pop-up window will appear Select “AUSD CFA Item Bank” from the ItemBank dropdown menu Enter Passage Title – Include (Lexile) Leave LocalID field blank Click Update when complete

12 Creating New Passage page allows you to: Review/Edit Passage information Enter/Edit Teacher Instructions Enter/Edit the Passage

13 To Enter/Edit Teacher Instructions Click Edit

14 To Enter/Edit the Passage Click Add Enter longer passages in sections. This allows for page breaks in test booklets. Click Save Passage when done

15 After clicking Save Passage, note the following: Passage ID Teacher Instructions Passage Sections

16  To edit an existing passage, follow the same steps as above except choose “Edit Existing” from the dropdown menu (rarely done, except for corrections).  To create modified versions of a passage (longer, shorter, higher/lower lexile, etc.), follow the same steps as above except choose “Create Copy From” in the dropdown menu.

17 Understand the steps to create Selected Response (SR) items in EADMS

18 In the Items feature on the Content Portal page Select “Create New” from the Action: dropdown menu Click Go

19 Copyright By clicking I Agree you are accepting full responsibility for content and further guarantee that NO item is added in violation of any copyright law.

20 About This Item pop-up window will appear Select “AUSD CFA Item Bank” from the ItemBank dropdown menu Select “Selected Response” from the Question Type dropdown menu Leave Media Type set at default “Print and Online” Leave LocalID field blank Click Update when complete

21 Creating New Item page allows you to: Review/Edit Item information Add/Edit Standards Enter/Edit the Stem Add/Edit Distractors Edit Scoring Instructions Choose a passage Add Resources Add/Edit Teacher Instructions


23 To Add/Edit Standards Click Add

24 Standards pop-up window will appear Select “CCSS ELA” in the Content Area dropdown menu Select grade in Test Level dropdown menu Select matching priority standard(s) in the Standard dropdown menu Click Update

25 To Enter/Edit Stem Click Edit

26 To Enter/Edit Stem Enter Stem (type, cut/paste, upload, etc.) Choose whether or not to display the stem to students Click Update

27 To Add/Edit Distractors Choose Distractors type from the dropdown (Default, C-I, C-I-NR, T-F) Click Add Choose Distractor Layout

28 To Add/Edit Distractors Enter distractors and rationale (be sure to identify correct answers) Click Update

29 To Edit Scoring Instructions Applies to Selected Response (SR) items with multiple correct answers only Click Edit Scoring Instructions

30 Scoring Instructions pop-up window will appear Applies to Selected Response (SR) items with multiple correct answers only Identify scoring parameters by completing the Conditions using the dropdown values Click Update

31 To Choose a Passage If applicable, click Choose

32 To Choose a Passage Select the passage from the Passage dropdown menu Click Update

33 To Add Resources If applicable, click Add

34 To Add Resources Select the file for upload Label the Resource Click Update

35 To Add/Edit Teacher Instructions If applicable, click Edit (e.g., Teacher may read question aloud to students)

36 To Add/Edit Teacher Instructions Enter Teacher Instructions Click Update

37 Click Save Item at the bottom of the Creating New Item page

38 Understand the steps to create Constructed Response (CR) items in EADMS

39 In the Items feature on the Content Portal page Select “Create New” from the Action: dropdown menu Click Go

40 About This Item pop-up window will appear Select “AUSD CFA Item Bank” from the ItemBank dropdown menu Select “Constructed Response” from the Question Type dropdown menu Leave Media Type set at default “Print and Online” Leave LocalID field blank Click Update when complete

41 Creating New Item page allows you to: Review/Edit Item information Add/Edit Standards Enter/Edit the Stem Add/Edit Rubric Choose a passage Add Resources Add/Edit Teacher Instructions


43 To Add/Edit Standards Click Add

44 Standards pop-up window will appear Select “CCSS ELA” in the Content Area dropdown menu Select grade in Test Level dropdown menu Select matching priority standard(s) in the Standard dropdown menu Click Update

45 To Enter/Edit Stem Click Edit

46 To Enter/Edit Stem Enter Stem (type, cut/paste, upload, etc.) Choose whether or not to display the stem to students Click Update

47 To Add/Edit Rubric Click Edit

48 Edit Rubric page will appear You can copy a rubric from another item by entering the item ID# and clicking Go OR Select Bubble Group from the dropdown menu Points possible will automatically match Bubble Group Click Add Columns if using an analytical rubric

49 Edit Rubric page will appear Enter Rubric Title Enter descriptors for each point value and/or column Click Save Rubric

50 To Choose a Passage If applicable, click Choose

51 To Choose a Passage Select the passage from the dropdown menu Click Update

52 To Add Resources If applicable, click Add

53 To Add Resources Select the file for upload Label the Resource Click Update

54 To Add/Edit Teacher Instructions If applicable, click Edit (e.g., Teacher may read question aloud to students)

55 To Add/Edit Teacher Instructions Enter Teacher Instructions Click Update

56 Click Save Item at the bottom of the Creating New Item page

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