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11 Klima og markedsføring Gine Wang, informasjonsdirektør StatoilHydro Forbrukerombudet/ Barne- og likestillingsdepartementets møte 24. februar 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Klima og markedsføring Gine Wang, informasjonsdirektør StatoilHydro Forbrukerombudet/ Barne- og likestillingsdepartementets møte 24. februar 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Klima og markedsføring Gine Wang, informasjonsdirektør StatoilHydro Forbrukerombudet/ Barne- og likestillingsdepartementets møte 24. februar 2009

2 2 The future energy demand and the climate challenge The International Energy Agency (IEA): The world’s demand for energy will grow with 55% by 2030 More than 80% of this energy will come from fossil fuel Global temperature increase up to 6º C The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC): Recommends that the global emission of GHG emission should be reduced by 60- 80% within the 21st century compared to the 2000 level.

3 3 CO 2 -emissions per produced unit 2006 (kg CO 2 per barrel) Source: OGP; OLF; Energinasjonen Norge North- America Africa Global average 19,0 Norway Europe Middle East Russia Norwegian oil and gas production is CO 2 -efficient StatoilHydro 7,0

4 4 StatoilHydro’s growth challenge is a climate gas emission challenge More CO 2 intensive production in the pipeline Build new international growth platforms Maximise value creation from the NCS NorwayGlobal prod. avg. Re- fining LNGExtra heavy oil GTL Extra heavy oil incl. upgrad. CO 2 emission [kg/tonne product]

5 55

6 6 Earlier abatement measures The OLF white book 2003 –225 different measures were identified, reducing more than 50 million tonnes CO 2 between 2002 and 2020 on the NCS StatoilHydro mitigation measures last 10 years –32 million tonnes CO 2 saved compared to a situation without technology development and implementation. –12 million tonnes are linked to energy efficiency and implementation of BAT (best available technology) –More than 10 million tonnes CO 2 are injected at Sleipner –More than 6 million tonnes CO 2 are saved because the Kollsnes plant are run with el-power.

7 7 StatoilHydro’s CCS projects An industrial approach to climate change Sleipner In Salah Mongstad Test centre + full scale Snøhvit LNG 1996-2004-2008- (CO 2 injection capacity MT/yr) 1 1.2 0.7 1,9-2,2 First CCS in the world Onshore, stored in an actively producing reservoir Sub sea, stored below gas reservoir Agreement with Norwegian authorities Low Hanging fruits

8 8 The CO 2 quota trading and climate neutrality The offshore industry is included in the climate quota trading from 2008 CO 2 is a global climate gas –The consequences of emission or emission reduction are the same, regardless of geographical location –Norwegian offshore industry buy climate quotas for their total CO 2 emissions on the shelf Some of the extra quotas can be defined as climate neutral Sleipner


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