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Body Systems Circulatory.

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1 Body Systems Circulatory

2 Function Distribute blood to all the cells in the body.
The red blood cells carry the O2 for cellular respiration. Then RBCs carry the CO2 produced in cells back to the lung for exhalation

3 Structure Heart muscle 4 chambers Right atria Left atria
Right ventricle Left Ventricle

4 Flow of Blood Right atria Right ventricle Pulmonary artery Lungs
Pulmonary vein Left atria Left ventricle Aorta Body Right atria Pulmonary circulation Systemic circulation

5 Heart Chambers Atria-Blood enter heart Right side Deoxygenated blood
Left side oxygenated blood Ventricles-Blood leaves the heart Right side lead to lungs Left side leads to body

6 Parts of the Heart To Body To R. Lung Septum From upper body
To L. Lung From Left Lung From R. Lungs Septum From Lower body

7 Pulmonary and Systemic systems
Pulmonary system Systemic System Systemic System

8 Arteries Capillaries Carry blood away from the heart
Thicker because they are under pressure from the pumping of the heart. Small 1 cell thick

9 Veins Carry blood to the heart
Thinner walls because they are not under pressure from the heart pumping. Blood moves back to the heart through movement of the skeletal muscle.

10 Valves Flaps of connective tissue between atria and ventricle of heart and at the exits of ventricles Tricuspid- Between R. Atria and Ventricle Bicuspid- Between L. Atria and ventricle Prevents back flow of blood by maintaining one-way flow through the heart and the veins Increases pumping efficiency of the heart

11 Pacemaker Sinoatrial (SA) node -located in right aorta ignites and initiates contractions of Atrium. Autorythmic cells (self exciting) Delayed impulse carried to atrioventricular (AV) node in bottom of Atria. AV note relays impulse via the Bundles of His to the Purkinje Fibers. Ventricle contracts forcing blood out of the heart

12 SA and AV nodes of His

13 Blood Component Function Red Blood Cell Contains hemoglobin.
Binds to 4 oxygen molecules. Have no nucleus. Concave Last 120 days Produced by bone marrow-, ribs, humerus, femur, sternum White blood cell (leukocytes) Produced in bone marrow, Have nuclei Can travel through lymphatic system Fights infections Last for months to years in body 1% of blood Platelets Function in clotting Produce fibrin which links together to form clot. Plasma Fluid portion 90% water Contains dissolved proteins, enzymes ,gasses and waste

14 Blood Groups Group Marker on cell Antibody in Serum A A antigen Anti-B
B antigen Anti- A AB A antigen and B antigen None O Anti -A and Anti -B Universal Donor- O Universal Recipient-AB

15 Rh factor(rhesus) A different marker on the cells.
If you are Rh + you have the antigen on your cells If you are Rh- no antigen present

16 Blood pressure Force exerted on arteries as ventricles contract
Measured with sphyngmometer Normal blood pressure for an adult: 120 = Systolic pressure = ventricles contract Diastolic pressure ventricles relax

17 Circulatory diseases Atherosclerosis- High blood pressure- Fatty deposits (plaque) builds up on artery walls Heart attack- Blockage of blood vessels to the heart Stroke- Blockage of blood vessels to the brain

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