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Heart Anatomy The path of the blood flow through the heart.

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1 Heart Anatomy The path of the blood flow through the heart


3 Why does the heart have 2 sides?  To be able to pump blood in 2 different directions  To the lungs  To the body

4 How does blood enter the heart?  Pulmonary Veins  Superior and Inferior Vena Cava

5 How does blood leave the heart?  Aorta  Pulmonary Arteries

6 What path does the blood pass through the heart?

7 What path does the blood flow through the heart?  In the right atrium from the Inferior and Superior Vena Cava  Out the right ventricle through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs  In the left atrium from the pulmonary veins  Out the left ventricle through the Aorta to the body


9 Videos  Anatomy of the heart:,- tests,-and-procedures-video/anatomy-of-the-heart- video.html,- tests,-and-procedures-video/anatomy-of-the-heart- video.html  Electrical Pathways: heart-conditions,-tests,-and-procedures-video/your- heart's-electrical-pathways-video.html heart-conditions,-tests,-and-procedures-video/your- heart's-electrical-pathways-video.html

10 How does the heart pump blood?  Electrical currents create contractions which push the blood through the heart

11 Stages of the heart beat  2 stages of the heart  Diastole  heart at rest while atria fill with blood, towards the end, atria contract  Systole  Contraction of the ventricle

12 Coronary Arteries  Deliver nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscles  What would happen if these arteries became blocked?

13 Heart Arrhythmia  Irregular heartbeat  Can be caused by a number of factors:  Blockage of the coronary arteris

14 Videos  Coronary Heart Disease:,- tests,-and-procedures-video/coronary-heart-disease- video.html,- tests,-and-procedures-video/coronary-heart-disease- video.html  Arrythmia: conditions,-tests,-and-procedures-video/abnormal-heart- rhythm-(arrhythmia)-video.html conditions,-tests,-and-procedures-video/abnormal-heart- rhythm-(arrhythmia)-video.html

15 Heart Attacks  They can be experienced differently  No awareness of our heart  Brain doesn’t know how to interpret pain

16 Heart drawing Assignment  Draw a heart  Divide the heart into the 4 chambers  Add veins and arteries  Label the following: right&left atrium, right&left ventricle, the 4 valves, inferior and superior vena cava, aorta, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins  Use arrows to show the correct flow of blood through the heart  Use the colour blue to represent de- oxygenated blood  Use the colour red to represent oxygenated blood


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