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Kiara O’Neill. The Five Regions Alaska has five main regions: Southeast Southcentral Southwest Interior Arctic.

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1 Kiara O’Neill

2 The Five Regions Alaska has five main regions: Southeast Southcentral Southwest Interior Arctic


4 CITES AND TOWNS:  Barrow Population: 4,346  Kotzebue Population: 3,332  Nome Population: 3,757 LANDMARKS AND FEATURES:  Southern Border marked by Brooks Range, Northern marked by Arctic Ocean  Many rivers located in this region  Land is mostly treeless tundra

5 WEATHER  The Arctic region has extreme lows, coldest in Alaska  Annual precipitation is generally less than 10 inches  The temperate varies throughout the year, from - 50° F – 40° F LANDSCAPE  The sun is absent for a whole month during the winter, and does not set for an entire month in the summer  The majority of the Arctic is treeless tundra  Permafrost exists throughout most of this region

6  North Slope Borough  Population: 9,430  Demographics: 64% Native Alaskan, 19% White, 8% Two or more Races, 6% Asian, 3% Hispanic or Latino  Nome Census Area  Population: 9,492  Demographics: 75% Native Alaskan, 12% White, 4% Two or more Races, 1% Hispanic or Latino  Northwest Arctic Borough  Population: 7,810  Demographics: 80% Native Alaskan, 14% White, 6% Two or more Races

7  Oil and Natural Gas are an important resource  Minerals, such as zinc are mined in the Red Dog Mine  Wildlife including birds, caribou, and polar bears, attracts tourists and hunters alike

8  Works Cited-Arctic  "Alaska By Region." Alaska Kids' Corner, State of Alaska. State of Alaska, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  "AlaskaKids." AlaskaKids. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Hogan, Kevin. 07215 Deadhorse - Oil Drill Rig Crop. 2010. Deadhorse, Alaska.  Map of Alaska with five regions. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014..  "Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Yungel, Jim. NASA ICE: Barrow Alaska. N.d. Barrow, Alaska. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.


10 CITIES AND TOWNS  North Pole  Population: 2,117  Tanana  Population: 246  Fairbanks  Population: 30,312 LANDMARKS AND FEATURES  Region is bordered on the South by the Alaskan Range, and on the North by the Brooks Range  Mt. McKinley, or Denali  Yukon River  Tanana River

11 WEATHER  The Interior has more extreme temperature changes than any other region, going from -20°F- 70°F  The amount of precipitation received yearly is approximately 10 inches LANDSCAPE  This region primarily wilderness, is filled with wildlife  Boreal forests with many mountain ranges throughout  Several major rivers and lakes

12  Southeast Fairbanks Census Area  Population: 7,029  Demographics: 79% White, 13% Native Alaskan, 5% Two or more Races, 2% Hispanic or Latino  Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area  Population:5,588  Demographics: 71% Native Alaskan, 25% White, 4% Two or more Races

13  Fairbanks North Star Borough  Population: 99,192  Demographics: 78% White, 6% Black or African American, 7% Native Alaskan, 4% Hispanic or Latino, 3% Two or more Races, 2% Asian  Denali Borough  Population: 1,826  Demographics: 87% White, 5% Native Alaskan, 5% Two or more Races, 3% Hispanic or Latino

14  Interior Alaska is home the Trans-Alaska Pipeline which transports oil across the state  Minerals are abundant here, and this region is home to the Fort Knox Gold Mine  Tourism is important

15  Works Cited-Interior  "Alaska By Region." Alaska Kids' Corner, State of Alaska. State of Alaska, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  "AlaskaKids." AlaskaKids. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Clifton, Kathy, and Jesse Clifton. Fall In Interior Alaska. 2009. N.p.  Kramer, Robert. Alaska Pipeline 5. 2008. Fairbanks, Alaska.  Map of Alaska with five regions. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014..  "Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.


17 CITIES AND TOWNS  Bethel  Population: 6,080  Dillingham  Population: 2,329  Port Heiden  Population: 102 LANDMARKS AND FEATURES  Home to Aleutian Range  Lake Illiamna  Kuskokwim River  Southern part of Yukon River  The Aleutian Chain, the longest archipelago of small islands in the world, also sits on the Ring of Fire

18 WEATHER  Mild region, but the coast is hit with powerful storms that cause much damage  This region averages 30 inches of precipitation per year  The yearly highs and lows of the temperature stay between 0°F-65°F LANDSCAPE  Grasslands  Volcanic areas  Rivers  Lakes  Hundreds of islands, along with many ports  Very few roads, accessible by air or water

19  Dillingham Census Area  Population: 4,847  Demographics: 76% Native Alaskan, 24% White  Bethel Census Area  Population:17,013  Demographics: 82% Native Alaskan, 13% White, 4% Two or more Races, 1% Asian  Wade Hampton Census Area  Population: 7,459  Demographics: 93% Native Alaskan, 5% White, 2% Two or more Races

20  Lake and Pennisula Borough  Population: 1,631  Demographics: 74% Native Alaskan, 19% White, 7% Two or more Races  Aleutians East Borough  Population: 3,141  Demographics: 37% Native Alaskan, 27% Asian,25% White, 7% Other Races, 4% Two or more Races

21  In the Southwest, the largest industry by far has been commercial fishing and seafood  Bristol Bay is the world’s largest salmon fishery  Minerals have been found in huge deposits throughout this region

22  Works Cited-Southwest  "Alaska By Region." Alaska Kids' Corner, State of Alaska. State of Alaska, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  "AlaskaKids." AlaskaKids. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Hawkinson, Rick. Libby's Koggiung Cannery, Kvichak River. 1984. Bristol Bay, Alaska.  Hawkinson, Rick. Nornak, Naknek, Bristol Bay, Alaska. 2011. Bristol Bay, Alaska.  Map of Alaska with five regions. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014..  "Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.


24 CITIES AND TOWNS  Anchorage  Population: 291,826  Kenai  Population: 7,100  Homer  Population: 5,003 LANDMARKS AND FEATURES  This region is bounded by Gulf of Alaska to the south and the Alaskan Range to the north, and by the Aleutian Range and the Chugach Mountains to the west and east respectively  Prince William Sound  Kachemak Bay

25 WEATHER  Climate is moderated by the ocean  Each winter there is from 70-300 inches of snow, depending on part of the region  Highs and lows remain above zero all year round LANDSCAPE  Mountainous in the northern area  In the southern part it is more coastal  Fjords, inlets, and mud flats  Many rivers and lakes

26  Matanuska-Susitna Borough  Population: 88,995  Demographics: 87% White, 6% Two or more Races, 5% Native Alaskan, 2% Hispanic or Latino  Kodiak Island Borough  Population: 13,592  Demographics: 60% White, 15% Native Alaskan, 15% Asian, 5% Hispanic or Latino, 5% Two or more Races  Kenai Peninsula Borough  Population: 55,400  Demographics: 86% White, 7% Native Alaskan, 4% Two or more Races, 2% Hispanic or Latino

27  Municipality of Anchorage  Population: 298,610  Demographics: 65% White, 8% Native Alaskan, 8% Asian, 7% Two or more Races, 7% Hispanic or Latino, 5% Black or African American  Valdez-Cordova Census Area  Population: 9,636  Demographics: 76% White, 13% Native Alaskan, 6% Two or more Races, 4% Asian, 1% Latino or Hispanic

28  Being the most easily accessible region, tourism plays a large part in it’s economy  Fishing and seafood are also important  The Trans-Alaska Pipeline ends in Valdez, and oil tankers transport the product from the north

29  Works Cited-Southcentral  "Alaska By Region." Alaska Kids' Corner, State of Alaska. State of Alaska, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  "AlaskaKids." AlaskaKids. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Map of Alaska with five regions. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014..  "Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Spiro, Lenny. Cruise Ship In Alaska. 2014. N.p.  Wonderlane. Snowy Kenai Mountain Range. 2014. Homer, Alaska. Web.


31 CITIES AND TOWNS  Yakutat  Population: 662  Juneau  Population: 31,275  Ketchikan  Population: 8,050 LANDMARKS AND FEATURES  Coastal Mountains  Inside Passage  Dixon Entrance  Many Naturally occurring Fjords  16 Tidewater Glaciers

32 WEATHER  Mild, maritime climate because of proximity to the ocean  Averages 200 inches of precipitation per year, mostly rain  Warmest and wettest region of Alaska LANDSCAPE  Land was carved by moving glaciers  Mountainous region  Many Islands  Deep Fjords  Rainforest environment

33  City and Borough of Sitka  Population:8,881  Demographics: 75% White, 25% Native Alaskan  Hoonah-Angoon Census Area  Population: 2,150  Demographics: 60% White, 35% Native Alaskan, 5% Two or more Races  City and Borough of Yakutat  Population: 662  Demographics: 50% White, 40% Native Alaskan, 10% Two or more Races

34  Haines Borough  Population: 2,508  Demographics: 89% White, 11% Native Alaskan  Petersburg Census Area  Population: 3,815  Demographics: 71% White, 16% Native Alaskan, 9% Two or more Races, 4% Hispanic or Latino  City and Borough of Juneau  Population: 32,164  Demographics: 75% White, 13% Native Alaskan, 7% Two or more Races, 5% Asian

35  Ketchikan Gateway Borough  Population: 13,477  Demographics: 70% White, 15% Native Alaskan, 8% Asian, 7% Two or more Races  Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area  Population: 6,210  Demographics: 53% White, 40% Native Alaskan, 7% Two or more Races  City and Borough of Wrangell  Population: 2,369  Demographics: 72% White, 16% Native Alaskan, 6% Two or more Races, 6% Asian

36  Home to the capital of Alaska, the Southeast attracts many tourists and cruise liners  Due to its rainforest climate, logging is an important part of the economy

37  Works Cited-Southeast  "Alaska By Region." Alaska Kids' Corner, State of Alaska. State of Alaska, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  "AlaskaKids." AlaskaKids. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.  Irischao. Skagway, Alaska. 2013. Skagway, Alaska.  Kroscavage, Thomas. TB002943. 1986. Ketchikan, Alaska.  Map of Alaska with five regions. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014..  "Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Northwest Arctic Borough QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

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