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 EOC Review Book page 149 #1-3  Add to your Goal 7 EOC Review Questions  Number 3 must be in complete sentences.  Last EOC assignment be sure to turn.

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Presentation on theme: " EOC Review Book page 149 #1-3  Add to your Goal 7 EOC Review Questions  Number 3 must be in complete sentences.  Last EOC assignment be sure to turn."— Presentation transcript:

1  EOC Review Book page 149 #1-3  Add to your Goal 7 EOC Review Questions  Number 3 must be in complete sentences.  Last EOC assignment be sure to turn in your work.

2 Examine the impact of technological changes on economic, social, and cultural life in the United States.

3  Many of the technological advances of the Gilded Age continued to develop during the Progressive Period.  These advances helped influence the progressive spirit in transforming US culture ◦ Electricity-factories operated more efficiently and longer hours  Sewing machines became electric  Refrigerator  Electric Trolley ◦ Skyscrapers  Bessemer process- 1850’s made it easier and more affordable to produce large amount of steel

4  Henry Ford made the automobile accessible on the market. ◦ Wanted them to be available to “ordinary people”  The Model T was first sold in 1907. (30,000)  Use of the assembly line (workers stay in one spot and as the parts moved to them; worker does one small task) ◦ Ford was not the first to use the assembly line; he is credited with perfecting it.  Ford paid wages that were unheard of at $5 a day. ◦ He wanted his workers to be able to afford the product they produced.


6  Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were bicycle repairmen from Ohio.  In 1903, in Kitty Hawk, NC, the two conducted the first successful flight. ◦ Soon, airplanes were being used for mail and military.  1926, commercial air travel began as people began using air travel for faster transportation.

7  As products were mass produced and communications improved, consumers were drawn to material goods and new forms of entertainment.  Mail order catalogs  Movie camera could produce longer films. ◦ The Great Train Robbery (1903) was the first full- length motion picture.  Movie theaters developed in every city.

8  Kodak produced cameras that could be owned and operated by the average consumer. ◦ Less skill needed ◦ Roll-film cameras replaced the older glass-plate camera  Coca-Cola became the first bottled soda in the US. ◦ Advertising campaigns began to help competing firms maximize profits.

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