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09.07.11 Ms. Roule English III. barack obama candidate for us senate in Illinois delivered the keynote address at the democratic national convention in.

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Presentation on theme: "09.07.11 Ms. Roule English III. barack obama candidate for us senate in Illinois delivered the keynote address at the democratic national convention in."— Presentation transcript:

1 09.07.11 Ms. Roule English III

2 barack obama candidate for us senate in Illinois delivered the keynote address at the democratic national convention in boston in 2004

3  More practice with annotation and SOAPSTone  Print ads due TODAY!

4  Annotation is the art of actively “MARKING THE TEXT” as you read.  Underline, circle, highlight, make notes, ask questions of the text as you read.

5 THE RHETORICAL TRIANGLE  The relationship between the three elements of the triangle help to deepen our understanding of the text. SPEAKER AUDIENCE SUBJECT

6  Speaker  Occasion  Audience  Purpose  Subject  Tone  What role does s/he play?  Why is he speaking at this time and place?  To whom, specifically, is the speaker directing this text?  What does the speaker hope to accomplish?  What is the general topic of the text?  Examine the words, emotions, or attitude of the speaker.

7 During ReadingAfter Reading  As we listen to the speech, mark the text (underline, circle, etc.) for anything that connects to our understanding of the rhetorical triangle  (Speaker, Audience, Subject)  Complete SOAPSTone graphic organizer, using specific details from the speech to support your responses.  (Number the pages of the speech for the reference column on your graphic organizer)

8  Write one page in response to the following question:  Was Obama’s speech effective? What part(s) of Barack Obama’s speech were the most persuasive?  Use at least 3 specific details from the text of the speech to defend your response, and discuss in context of what you know about the rhetorical triangle.

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