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Facebook Saltwater Crocodile is on the hunt for a snack. WallPhotosMeSourcesSalt Water CrocodileLogout View photos of SWC (5) Send SWC a message Poke message.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Saltwater Crocodile is on the hunt for a snack. WallPhotosMeSourcesSalt Water CrocodileLogout View photos of SWC (5) Send SWC a message Poke message."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Saltwater Crocodile is on the hunt for a snack. WallPhotosMeSourcesSalt Water CrocodileLogout View photos of SWC (5) Send SWC a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Birthday: May 10, 50,000 BC Political: OM NOM NOM Religion: Baptist Hometown: Australia Friends SharkMarilyn BobbyJackie Salt Water Crocodile to The Government We’ll see who’s endangered when I’m through with you! December 7,1997 Robert Government to Salt Water Crocodile you’re on the endangered list. 1997 Salt Water Crocodile Fish are food, not friends. Sorry Bruce. May 10, 1930 Salt Water Crocodile Those hunters got REALLY close today. Gotta be more careful. October 28, 1925 Salt Water Crocodile Just ate a guy. Still not full… 1910 Salt Water Crocodile Just hatched! May 10, 1900 Bruce

2 Personal Information facebook Saltwater Crocodile is eating a wildebeest. WallPhotosMeSourcesSaltwater CrocodileLogout View photos of SWC(5) Send SWC a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Sex: Male Birthday: May 10, 50,000BC Hometown: Australia Relationship Status: Series of one night stands Political Views: Republican Religious Views: Baptist Activities: Swim, eat, bask, repeat Interests: Basking, swimming, eating Favorite Music: croc n’ roll Favorite Movies: Mega Shark vs. Crocasaurus Favorite TV Shows: Man vs. Wild Favorite Books: nobody got time fo dat! The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Da Swamp Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Swamp City, Australia Phone Number: (Thi)-sis-fake Birthday: May 10, 50,000 BC Political: OM NOM NOM Religion: Baptist Hometown: Australia

3 facebook WallPhotosMeSources Saltwater Crocodile Logout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of SWC 6 Photos JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos Da Swamp 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Saltwater crocodile is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

4 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME Habitat: Northern Australia and South East Asia (including coastline) Food: Wildebeest, Zebras, Giraffes, other crocodiles, birds, people, elephants, sharks, fish, and anything else in the water that looks like food Size At birth, saltwater crocodiles are no more than eight inches long. An adult male can grow to be 22 feet long, and 4,400 pounds. Females typically grow to be 17 feet long, but only 2,200 pounds. Identification The scientific name for the saltwater crocodile is Crocodylus porosus. One of the biggest identifiers is the long more pointed snout. Alligators have a shorter, more rounded snout. FUNCTION: They are the largest reptile on earth The Saltwater Crocodile is a very important consumer due to the range of what it eat and its ability to eat anything They are overhunted for their skin RESOURCES USED: &q=Bruce+the+shark funny-side.html clash-in-battle-Down-Under.html

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