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 A.protein molecules made of amino acids. B.biological catalysts. C.specific. D.reusable. I. Enzymes are… E.affected by temperature and pH. F.located.

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Presentation on theme: " A.protein molecules made of amino acids. B.biological catalysts. C.specific. D.reusable. I. Enzymes are… E.affected by temperature and pH. F.located."— Presentation transcript:


2  A.protein molecules made of amino acids. B.biological catalysts. C.specific. D.reusable. I. Enzymes are… E.affected by temperature and pH. F.located in animals, plants, and microorganisms. G.typically end with –ase.

3  A.Enzymes are proteins made of long amino acid chains. A.These long chains fold to produce a special shape, which is vital for the enzyme’s function. II. Enzyme Structure

4  A.The minimum amount of energy required is called the activation energy. B.Enzymes lower the amount of activation energy required by weakening chemical bonds. III. Biological Catalyst

5  A.Shape of the enzyme’s active site is complimentary to the shape of one particular substrate. A.The two bind together to form an enzyme substrate complex. IV. Enzyme Process – Specific & Reusable

6  C.The reaction between them takes place rapidly. D.The products are released from the enzyme’s active site. E.Enzymes can be reused. IV. Enzyme Process – Specific & Reusable

7 7 Enzyme-Substrate Complex substance enzyme substrate The substance (reactant) an enzyme acts on is the substrate Enzyme Substrate Joins

8 8 Active Site Substrate Active Site Enzyme restricted region enzyme binds substrate to carry out the reaction A restricted region of an enzyme molecule binds to the substrate to carry out the reaction.

9  A.Environmental Factors (Temperature & pH Level) 1.Temperature a.Enzymes work best at particular temperatures, which are called their optimum temperature. a.Enzyme reaction time rates increases if the temperatures are higher or lower than their optimal temperature. a.Enzymes will denature if the temperature varies too far from optimal. V. Factors that Affect Enzymes

10  A.Environmental Factors (Temperature & pH Level) 2.pH Level a.Enzymes work best at particular pH level, which is called optimum pH. b.Enzyme reaction time rates increase if the pH levels are higher or lower than their optimal pH level. a.Enzymes will denature if the pH level varies too far from optimal. V. Factors that Affect Enzymes

11   An increase in the time frame of a reaction is a DECREASE in the overall reaction rate.  The more time or energy required to complete a chemical reaction = a slower reaction rate.  The less time or energy required to complete a chemical reaction = a faster reaction rate PLEASE NOTE

12  12 V. Factors that Affect Enzymes B.Enzyme Inhibitors 1.Competitive Inhibitors: are chemicals that resemble an enzyme’s normal substrate and competes with it for the active site. Enzyme Competitive inhibitor Substrate

13  V. Factors that Affect Enzymes B.Enzyme Inhibitors 2.Noncompetitive Inhibitors: do not enter the active site, but bind to another part of the enzyme to change its shape, which in turn alters the active site. This is now called an allosteric enzyme due to its changed shape. Enzyme active site altered Noncompetitive Inhibitor Substrate

14 Enzymes are very specific about which reactions they catalyse. Only molecules with exactly the right shape will bind to the enzyme and react. These are the substrate molecules. The part of the enzyme to which the substrate binds is called the active site. This is a very specific shape and the most important part of the enzyme. Active site Substrate

15 In the same way that a key fits into a lock, a substrate is thought to fit into an enzyme ’s active site. The enzyme is the lock, and the substrate is the key. enzyme reactant + enzyme-reactant complex ↔ products enzyme + ↔ + ↔↔ + Write a description about how the substrate fits into the enzyme ‘s active site and what happens to the substrate, copy the diagram and word equation

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