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TERZA RIMA. OBJECTIVES  Students will be able to… 1. Understand the format of a terza rima, therefore being able to write one themselves. 2. Have the.

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Presentation on theme: "TERZA RIMA. OBJECTIVES  Students will be able to… 1. Understand the format of a terza rima, therefore being able to write one themselves. 2. Have the."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES  Students will be able to… 1. Understand the format of a terza rima, therefore being able to write one themselves. 2. Have the knowledge of knowing where and from whom it was invented. 3. Understand its importance from the day it was used to present day.

3 TERZA RIMA  The translation of terza rima from Italian is ‘third rhyme’.  It was invented by the an Italian poet named Dante Alighieri in the late 13 th century.  It is a rhyming verse stanza form that has an interlocking three-line rhyme scheme.  Later used by Thomas Wyatt, John Milton, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley.  In English, its most common to use iambic pentameter, but in terza rima there is no rhythm set. Dante Alighieri

4 FORM  Terza rima is a three-line stanza using the pattern A-B-A, B-C-B, C-D-C, D-E-D, and so on.  The poem may end with either the pattern of  D-E-D, E  D-E-D. E-E  There is not a specific of number of lines you must write, though but sections of poems written in terza rima end with a single line or couplet.  The second line in one tercet must have an end- word that carries over as the first and third rhymes of the following.  In each tercet the end words of the first and third line must be rhymed. Tercet: 3 lines forming a stanza or a finished poem. Couplet: 2 lines that rhyme and have the same metre.

5 TERZA RIMA Chain Rhyme Pattern Example of Rhyming

6 DANTE ALIGHIERI  Italian poet of the late middle ages.  Believed to be born on June 1 st, 1265, in Florence and passed away on September 14 th, 1321.  He was a statesman, a poet, a language theorist, and a political theorist.  His mother died when he was in his adolescents, his dad remarried and had two more children.  Dante began writing when he was a teenager, with the help of his mentor, Vito Cavalcani, a poet.  His work Divine Comedy is considered to be one of the greatest literary work in the Italian language (some call him the father of the Italian language or as the supreme poet), and a true classic in world literature.  He was influenced by the following writer's, Virgil, Aristotle, Homer, Thomas Aquinas, Ovid and many more.  He also wrote Convivio, The Portable Dante, De Monarchia, and others that were never completed.

7 DIVINE COMEDY  Dante’s first work that includes the use of terza rima was La Commedia di Dante Alighieri (Divine comedy).  In 1555, the poem was published in Venice, people who enjoyed his work added the word Divina (Divine), to create more attention to his work. So later, the title change to La Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy).  The poem is written in first person. This poem takes place the night before good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter of 1300.  The divine comedy is seen as a religious poem, explaining sin, virtue and theology. Although Dante does mention several aspects of the science of his day.  He began writing in 1308, and finished a year before he passed, 1320.  The epic poem consists of 14, 233 lines, which are divided into 3 canticas (song of praise taken from holy texts), Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). With each of them having 33 cantos. The Divine Comedy

8 DIVINE COMEDY  The divine comedy is also an allegory basically where the author chooses figurative and literal meanings for certain characters, objects and events.  Ex… Virgil (the one who take Dante through Hell and Purgatory) symbolizes human reason and Beatrice (the woman who guides him to paradise) represents faith and supernatural truth.  It’s about the journey through the 3 realms of the dead. Dante visits Hell and Purgatory, guided by a roman poet, Virgil. And Beatrice, his perfect image of a woman guides him to paradise also know a heaven. Beatrice Portinari Virgil

9 DIVINE COMEDY A s I drew nearer to the end of all desire, (a) I brought my longing's ardor to a final height, (b) Just as I ought. My vision, becoming pure, (a) Entered more and more the beam of that high light (b) That shines on its own truth. From then, my seeing (c) Became too large for speech, which fails at a sight (b) Beyond all boundaries, at memory's undoing-- (c) As when the dreamer sees and after the dream (d) The passion endures, imprinted on his being (c) Though he can't recall the rest. I am the same: (d) Inside my heart, although my vision is almost (e) Entirely faded, droplets of its sweetness come (d) The way the sun dissolves the snow's crust-- (e) The way, in the wind that stirred the light leaves, (f) The oracle that the Sibyl wrote was lost. (e) Dante Alighieri Some words that are meant to rhyme seem a bit off, but are similar, this is as called slant rhyme. This piece does not end with a couplet or a single line. This may happen if its taken out from the middle of a section in a larger piece of work.

10 TERZA RIMA MEETS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE  Geoffrey Chaucer was the first English poet to write in Terza Rima.  He used it to write Complaint to his lady.  Thomas Wyatt, a poet made terza rima useful and popular in the English language by his translations and original works.  Later on, English romantic poets such as Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, explored with the form of Terza Rima.  English poets had some difficulty using this particular form in their language because of the fewer end-rhyming words. Geoffrey Chaucer Thomas Wyatt

11 TERZA RIMA MEETS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE  Since it was so difficult to write, they changed into the simpler tercet. This spread to the western world and sonnet writers (john Milton, Sir Edmund Spencer and their admirers), joined 2 tercets to make a six-line sestet that included their sonnets.  Others changed it so that the form would be into triplets changing all three lines.  Today, poets add a free verse with a rhyme scheme throughout long tercets.

12 ODE TO THE WEST WIND O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, (a) Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead (b) Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, (a) Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, (b) Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, (c) Who chariotest to their dark wintery bed (b) The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, (c) Each like a corpse within its grave, until (d) Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow (c) Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill (d) (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) (e) With living hues and odours plain and hill: (d) Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; (e) Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear! (e) Percy Bysshe Shelley

13 BIBLIOGRAPHY      

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