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Tools to Support GEF National Focal Points Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in the Pacific SIDS Auckland, New Zealand, 18-19 September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools to Support GEF National Focal Points Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in the Pacific SIDS Auckland, New Zealand, 18-19 September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools to Support GEF National Focal Points Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in the Pacific SIDS Auckland, New Zealand, 18-19 September 2008

2 Objectives of FP Tools Supporting FPs to:   Strengthen country ownership of GEF projects;   Enhance impact of projects on the ground;   Ensure that GEF proposals & activities in country are consistent with country priorities & country commitments under global environmental conventions;   Facilitate broad based in-country consultations on GEF operational matters

3 Overview of Available Tools 1. 1.National Dialogue Initiative 2. 2.Country Support Program 1. 1.Direct Support 2. 2.Sub-regional Workshops 3. 3.Knowledge Facility 3. 3.Constituency Meetings 4. 4.Country Pages (PMIS) 5. 5.Familiarization Seminars 6. 6.Newsletter - Talking Points 7. 7.Conflict Resolution

4 1. National Dialogue Initiative Objectives   Promoting in-depth understanding of the GEF's strategic directions, policies and procedures   Strengthening country coordination and ownership in GEF operations and sharing lessons learned from project implementation   Achieving greater mainstreaming of GEF activities into national planning frameworks and coordination and synergies amongst the GEF focal areas and convention issues at the national level

5 National Dialogue Initiative (cont’d) In 2007/2008 countries have used recent National Dialogues to:   Inform national stakeholders about global environmental issues and GEF's strategic directions, policies, procedures   Take stock of GEF portfolios and activities in the country   Further develop national GEF strategies and define priorities for funding   Strengthen inter-sectoral cooperation on environmental issues   Enhance inter-agency collaboration and partnerships   Strengthen national GEF coordination mechanisms and processes   Promote integration of GEF themes in national environment and sustainable development plans and policies

6 National Dialogue Initiative (cont’d) To apply to host a multi-stakeholder GEF National Dialogue:   Send a request to the GEF CEO, Ms. Monique Barbut   Briefly specify objectives and expected outputs

7 2. Country Support Program (CSP)   Objective:   To strengthen the capacity of GEF national Focal Points (FPs) to support and coordinate GEF activities in their countries and constituencies   Rationale:   Needs expressed by Focal Points   Evaluation of Focal Point Support Program   OPS 3 recommendations   3 rd replenishment recommendations   Approved: November 2005 Council   Total budget: $12m   Duration: 4 years, 2006 – 2009

8 CSP Components Component 1Direct Support Component 2Sub-Regional Information Exchange & Training Workshops Component 3Knowledge Facility

9 CSP II: Sub-Regional Information Exchange & Training Workshops   Since early 2007, CSP has been organizing a series of annual sub-regional workshops for FPs   The workshops provide an opportunity for FPs to:   exchange information and share their experiences   be updated on evolving GEF policies and procedures   interact with GEFSEC and Agency staff in order to discuss priority issues

10 CSP II: Sub-Regional Information Exchange & Training Workshops for FPs (cont’d)   Design and content of Sub-regional Workshops based on requests and needs expressed by GEF FPs during   GEF sub-regional consultations and workshops, national dialogues   Annual surveys to identify priority topics of interest, including specific experiences countries would like to share

11 CSP III: Knowledge Facility   Aims to address the knowledge needs of FPs and to assist them in carrying out their roles and responsibilities with respect to managing global environmental issues within their national development contexts   Helps FPs address their immediate information needs related to GEF, its policies, procedures, lessons and experiences

12 CSP III: Knowledge Facility (cont’d)   Serves as constantly accessible resource for acquisition of knowledge, experience, and best practice targeted to meeting FPs needs   Facilitates FP learning through exchange, discussion, research, and action   Including discussion forums for FPs, private information exchange among GEF constituencies and country managed 'country pages‘   The GEF Knowledge Facility for FPs is available at:

13 CSP I: Direct Support The CSP for FPs provides:   $8,000 available as direct financial support annually to OFPs for in-country activities based on Annual Work Plan (AWP)   Financial support to enable participation of O & P FPs at up to 2 constituency meetings each year   Limited number of FPs to attend GEF Familiarization Seminar every year

14 CSP I – Process 1. SSFA - The Government to sign a Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) with UNEP. 2. Annual Work Plan (AWP) - The Government to submit the AWP to GEFSEC for approval. 3. On completion of steps 1, 2 and approval by GEFSEC, UNEP will disburse resources. For more information about the types of activities for which Direct Support may be requested, please refer to the “Revised Guidelines for Focal Point Support” available on the GEF website at:

15 3. Constituency Meetings Objectives   Develop constituency positions with regard to specific Council issues   Share information and obtain feedback on the outcome of Council meetings and obtain feed-back on Council decisions   Review country and constituency coordination issues to enhance communication and outreach efforts   Decide upon constituency governance issues such as the order in which countries will assume Council Member and Alternate seats (rotation agreements)   Discuss implementation of GEF projects and share lessons learned

16 Constituency Meetings - Process I. Council Member Support Program (CMSP) provides funding to Council Members to hold Constituency Meetings II. Input to agenda from FPs so issues can be addressed III. Travel of FPs covered through component I - Direct Support

17 4. Country Profile Pages - Project Management Information Systems - PMIS The Country Profile pages (PMIS) presents detailed information on:   Projects’ status, Council and Alternate Members, O/PFPs, accredited NGOs for each country   Secured information on projects under consideration in GEFSEC   To access this information, O/PFPs use same e-mail and password used to access the CSP website or may also apply for password through CSP webpage or by following procedure on country profile page   The secured information contains status of PIFs submitted for CEO approval/clearance, status of projects that have been submitted for CEO endorsement   Further refinements of data available will be introduced as appropriate

18 Country Profile Pages – PMIS (cont’d)   As part of reform process undertaken by GEFSEC, the GEF website is undergoing a process of improvement and updating, including introduction of Country Profile pages   GEF Country Profile pages are available at:

19 5. Familiarization Seminars   To familiarize a limited number of new FPs with GEF strategies, programs, policies and procedures   Opportunity to network with GEFSEC staff and also with GEF Agency staff

20 6. Newsletter - Talking Points   A newsletter published quarterly providing information and updates on GEF activities, and processes   Target audience includes GEF O/PFPs, GEF agencies, NGOs, CBOs, others stakeholders   Web-based and downloadable to increase accessibility   FPs encouraged to share their experiences on GEF projects or good practices on GEF coordination at the national level

21   A post of Conflict Resolution Commissioner exists at GEFESC   The incumbent works directly with member countries and Agencies to help resolve disputes and address complaints and other issues of importance to GEF operations   Critical mission is to create an atmosphere of trust and confidence within the GEF family   Other options available to dealing with conflicts are: GEF Agencies, Program Managers and/or Country Relations Officers 7. Conflict Resolution

22   Should a Member State still have an issue, please send a formal letter or e-mail to the GEF CEO, Ms. Monique Barbut   To learn more about the work of the Conflict Resolution Commissioner and the process being developed at the GEFSEC, please contact Mr. Sekou Toure, the Conflict Resolution Commissioner, Tel: (+202) 458-4059 - Fax: (+202) 212-9553 - E-mail: Stoure1@the More information is available at: Conflict Resolution (cont’d)

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