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AP BIO 12.14.15 1.Homework:  Exam on 12.16.15  Respiration lab write up due 01.04.16 2.Online questions for review 3.Group work on poster activity/respiration.

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Presentation on theme: "AP BIO 12.14.15 1.Homework:  Exam on 12.16.15  Respiration lab write up due 01.04.16 2.Online questions for review 3.Group work on poster activity/respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP BIO 12.14.15 1.Homework:  Exam on 12.16.15  Respiration lab write up due 01.04.16 2.Online questions for review 3.Group work on poster activity/respiration packet 4.Photosynthesis reading guide/homework/lab ready on 12/18.15 5.Make sure you have a hanging file folder with your name Goals: Review for Exam Question Review Work on posters &packets

2 Objectives for Cellular Respiration Unit: Cellular respiration in eukaryotes involves a series of coordinated enzyme-catalyzed reactions that harvest free energy from simple carbohydrates The electron transport chain captures free energy from electrons in a series of coupled reactions that establish an electrochemical gradient across membranes Mitochondria specialize in energy capture and transformation

3 Mastering Biology homework for 12/02 Chapter 7 reading guide Group poster project Quorum sensing notes Mouse party Respiration lab (formal) Article on lactic acid CHAPTER 7 HOMEWORK LIST

4 12.8 Fermentation CR lab set practice run and prep 12.10 CR lab (formal) 12.14 Review Day 12.16 Exam: Diffusion/Osmos is Cell Communication Signal transduction Cellular respiration Fermentation Homework due 12.18 Poster making session Movie UNIT CALENDAR

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