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Written module activity, Page 16 1.We refer to the physical parts of a computer that we can touch and see as hardware. Examples include the mouse, the.

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Presentation on theme: "Written module activity, Page 16 1.We refer to the physical parts of a computer that we can touch and see as hardware. Examples include the mouse, the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written module activity, Page 16 1.We refer to the physical parts of a computer that we can touch and see as hardware. Examples include the mouse, the screen, the keyboard, a printer and the different components inside the computer. To actually get the computer to do something, we need to give it very specific instructions. These instructions are what we know as programs or software. 2.Data refers to unprocessed items. This can include text, numbers, images, audio and video. Information is the result of the processing of data and should be useful and meaningful. For example, a series of seven numbers can be viewed as data. If this represents the seven marks of a learner, one can produce information such as the average mark and even if they pass or fail the grade. 3.An operating system is the most important program on a computer and it is the program that controls all the activities in the computer. 4.A computer can run programs that allow it to perform different tasks. A washing machine cannot run different programs. 5.Computers take input (usually from the keyboard or the mouse), do something to it (process it) and then produce some form of output (usually on the screen or via a printer). 6.Input devices: Mouse and keyboard Output device: Monitor and printer

2 7. She is right-clicking on the object which causes a pop-up menu to appear. She should be left-clicking on the object to select it. 8.Rest the mouse pointer on the icon to see if a tooltip, which gives more information about the ‘function’ of the icon, appears. 9.The Start Menu. 10.Restore it from the taskbar. 11.It is a full standard keyboard. The QWERTY refers to the letters on the top line of characters on the keyboard.

3 Written module activity, Page 25 1.Computers can execute programs. Software, or a program, is simply a set of instructions that ‘tells’ a computer what to do. If we need the computer to do something different for us, we just need another program. 2.Application software is a group of programs that perform specific tasks for us as users. Examples of application software include gaming software, word processing programs and Typing Tutor software. System software is software that is intended to control, support or operate the computer. Examples of system software include operating systems, anti-virus software and compression software such as WinZip, which reduces the size of files. 3.Calculator programs, sound recorders, text editors such as WordPad and snipping tools. 4.An operating system controls all activities that take place in a computer. Every computer needs an operating system in order to be able to function, and this is the first set of programs that load when we boot a computer. It allows us to run other programs such as the games your brother wants to play. 5.Internet Explorer – all the others are operating systems. 6.Managing all the hardware and software on the computer, maintaining security and providing users with an interface which allows them to interact with the computer. 7.Security – so each person has their own private access to their own work. 8.A Graphical User Interface refers to an interface that is presented to us in a graphical way. These have small pictures, called icons, and other visual ‘aids’ such as menus and buttons which make it easy for us to understand and use. 9.A small picture that represents a file, folder or program. An example would be a picture of a disk for an option to save a file. 10.Desktop

4 11.Install a weather gadget that accesses the Internet to obtain the latest weather forecast. 12.A gadget is a small program that resides on the desktop and provides some useful functions such as displaying the time on a clock, showing you the latest news and weather, running a slideshow of all your pictures, etc. 13.Open file – use the keystroke combination and for the Format option. 14.A dialog box is basically a small window that is used for communication or ‘dialog’ between a computer and a user. It usually provides the user with options for completing a small task. Dialog boxes can also be used to convey warnings or error messages. 15.ADialog boxBSpinner CRadio buttonDCombo/List box ECheck boxFCommand button GText box

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