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DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop August 12-14, 2008 HSS Review Panel Discussion Ed Lessard, BNL Bob May, TJNAF.

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Presentation on theme: "DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop August 12-14, 2008 HSS Review Panel Discussion Ed Lessard, BNL Bob May, TJNAF."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop August 12-14, 2008 HSS Review Panel Discussion Ed Lessard, BNL Bob May, TJNAF

2 Topics –Review Preparation –Execution –Follow up Panel Discussion HSS Review Lessons Learned

3 Review Preparation Simultaneous Efforts –5 teams each evaluating a ISM Core Function and its application across the lab Workers who understood both work process and execution across the lab Workers who were not afraid to “call it as they saw it” –1 team who focused on workplace organization, appearance – helped identify and reduce clutter by cutting through “red tape” –Cross divisional review of HSS CRADS and LOIs –Development of ISM educational tools

4 Review Preparation, cont’d. Core Function Teams –Identified gaps in work functions These gaps were eventually assigned to other teams to close –Served to educate workers as well as evaluate work processes Peer on peer information transfer very effective –Differentiated a group of workers that were effective communicators and problem solvers Credibility with their peers Ability to communicate ISM concepts at a meaningful level

5 Review Preparation, cont’d. “Effective communicators and problem solvers” recombined into three work groups –Cross Divisional Gap Repair Work Process and Controls Lessons Learned Implementation Documentation CRAD and LOI Review –Management Team from each division (Associate Director through Line Supervisors) met to review HSS CRADS and associated LOIs –Each review facilitated same group for continuity and identification of cross-divisional issues

6 Review Preparation, cont’d. ISM educational tools –ISM web site with glossary, explanation of efforts, progress report against a schedule –Materials provided by HSS, Site Office on preparations –Safety Toolbox pocket guide describing ISM related systems and their function Common lab ISM practices Brief examples of lab practices that addressed each core function

7 Review Preparation, cont’d. Placed all HSS requested documentation on a centralized web site and gave HSS access Single point of contact for information management Assignment of HSS reviewer counterparts Single point of contact for logistics –Delivery and initial storage of computers and printers –Identifying network connections and dedicated rooms –Interview rooms, interview schedules, ad hoc meetings Logistics contact located adjacent to HSS offices

8 Review Preparation, cont’d. Review Preparations Key Lessons Learned –We started more “top down” than “bottom up” Some angst among workers because initial preparations were more “management level” Core Function Teams were effective ISM evangelists and got worker questions answered quickly and more effectively than educational tools –Educational tools (web site and Tool Box) were later in coming than they should have been –Providing good logistics (interview coordination, rooms, data processing resources) is key to keeping HSS reviewer frustration low

9 Review Preparation, cont’d. Review Preparations Key Lessons Learned, cont’d. –The most effective discussions with HSS reviewers involved lab staff explaining work control processes –Effective logistics coordination was repeatedly called out as a plus Minimizing administrative headaches makes every one’s life easier

10 Review Execution HSS will come on site and head straight for the field HSS reviewer counterparts are key to accurate and timely information –Stay flexible and help interpret for the HSS reviewer and lab staff –Be prepared to assemble groups of individuals to get reviewer questions answered expeditiously and accurately –Be prepared to provide follow on information beyond what was initially requested – HSS reviewers dig deep

11 Review Execution Review Execution Key Lessons Learned –Be prepared for discussions on implementation of ISM Core Functions with multiple reviewers HSS Reviewers won’t hesitate to gather a room full of people to talk about a process or procedure they don’t understand They will take as much time as it needs –Be forthcoming They are very good and will find out the details anyway –Don’t hesitate to describe changes to ISM that are already in process but not complete

12 Follow Up During the HSS review –There are daily briefs on what HSS reviewers did and what they found on the previous day –Anything you fix promptly is to your credit but will most likely not be excluded from documentation –Follow up promptly on any requests for information by HSS (whether they are on-site or back in D.C.) After the HSS Review –You’ll have several chances for factual accuracy revisions –HSS will correct factual errors, will likely not result in changes to their conclusions

13 Summary Inspection Preparation, what went right? –Preparation was made a priority by the most senior staff, communicated as such to senior and mid level staff consistently –Worker involvement - workers were involved in all phases of inspection prep including self- assessment and gap closure. This provided a cadre of ISM ambassadors, irreplaceable insight and 180 degree feedback, sheer horsepower for covering a lot of ground quickly –staying focused on the 5 core functions reduced anxiety

14 Summary, cont’d. Inspection Preparation, what could have gone better? –Communication effort with floor workers should have started earlier. –Getting the initial education on the ISM basics would have aided other activities and reduced anxiety

15 Summary, cont’d. Inspection Execution, what went right? –Logistics went smoothly - we exceeded the HSS Team's expectations in terms of workspace, ease of access to documents and resources, welcome to the area and the Lab this set a positive tone and implied good organization on more important matters. –HSS team exposure to daily planning meetings, accelerator shut down meeting, worker safety committee, Director's safety council, etc. showed a cultural and operational focus on areas important to them –our communication efforts, resulted in very positive HSS/JSA staff interaction

16 Summary, cont’d. Inspection Execution, what could have gone better? – We should have reviewed major work evolutions off-line to make sure we had dotted our I's and crossed our T's. This may or may not have eliminated one of the findings. Keys to success –Worker involvement and ownership by all –Broad communication using multimedia approach –Effective preparation Take it to the worker level quickly Look carefully at work processes vs ISM

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