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Work and Power Class Notes: while viewing this Power Point, fill in the Work and Power Note sheet given.

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Presentation on theme: "Work and Power Class Notes: while viewing this Power Point, fill in the Work and Power Note sheet given."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work and Power Class Notes: while viewing this Power Point, fill in the Work and Power Note sheet given.

2 What is Work? Work is a force exerted on an object that causes the object to move some distance. Force without moving a distance yields NO WORK!!!! In other words, if a force is applied to an object and the object DOES NOT MOVE, then no work has been done. Example #1 : If you push on a wall until your arms are sooooooo tired you can’t push anymore and the wall doesn’t move……..then you have done no work. Example #2: If you blow on a piece of paper and it moves……….you have done more work than in example #1. In order for work to be done on an object, the force you apply must be in the same direction as the movement of the object.

3 Work can be calculated!!!! Work = Force x Distance The SI Unit for Work is Joule 1 Joule = 1 Newton x 1 Meter Fun Fact: The Joule is named in honor of James Prescott Joule, an English Physicist who worked extensively with different forms of energy. Hint: we will solve work word problems!!!!

4 What is Power???? Power is the rate at which work is done (yes work and power are related!!!) Power can also be described as the rate energy is transferred from one object to another or the rate energy is converted. Power was once measured in Horsepower. Fun Facts: Horsepower is an American unit of power Horsepower equals the amount of work a horse does. The power of a car or truck is measured in Horsepower (this is because when the first cars were built people did not trust “the horseless carriages!)

5 Power can be calculated too!!!!

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