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020408 - LL FORCE WORKSHOP Future Petroleum Research Directions April 8-9 2002 Liv Lunde Institute for Energy Technology P.O. Box 40, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway.

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Presentation on theme: "020408 - LL FORCE WORKSHOP Future Petroleum Research Directions April 8-9 2002 Liv Lunde Institute for Energy Technology P.O. Box 40, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway."— Presentation transcript:

1 020408 - LL FORCE WORKSHOP Future Petroleum Research Directions April 8-9 2002 Liv Lunde Institute for Energy Technology P.O. Box 40, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway The Role of the Petroleum Institutes in the Petroleum Cluster (OG21)

2 020408 - LL Norwegian Petroleum Institutes (2001) *) Share of export 20 – 25%

3 020408 - LL Rogaland Research and Sintef Petroleum Research Enchanced Oil Recovery Utility: Enhanced production rate from 30% to 45% Reserve value increases with NOK 500-600 bill.

4 020408 - LL Christian Michelsen Research Increased safety precautions on processing plants for natural gas Utility: More than 60 platforms in the North Sea are constructed/ modified for increased safety related to gas leakage

5 020408 - LL Institutt for Energy Technology and Sintef Petroleum Research Multiphase transport in pipes Utility: Transport of oil and gas in the same pipe over long distances

6 020408 - LL MARINTEK Marine constructions Utility: New cost efficient solutions for Norwegian waters

7 020408 - LL Value Chain from idea to product Basic Research Strategic Research User driven R&D Demonstration Leading products Competence Added Value University Contractor Industry Oil Companies Institutes

8 020408 - LL The linear model The teamwork model Fund. research Applied research Innovation prod. dev. ProductionSales Market Society START 1234 FINISH Fund. research Market Society Applied research Innovation Sales Production Many Starts & Finishes simultaneously

9 020408 - LL Studies Problem solving Technology development projects Strategic Institute Programmes (SIP) Basic studies and increase of competence Customer Customer/NRC NRC/Institute (Customer) Financing months 0.5-3 years 3-5 years 10% 70% 20% NRC = Norwegian Research Council

10 020408 - LL OG21 National technology strategy for value creation and increased strength of competence within the oil and gas cluster Aug. 2000KONKRAFT groups of top managers Aug. 2000Working party to establish national technology strategy Mar. 2001Preliminary report delivered Aug. 2001Board established Chairman M. Loktu, Statoil Nov. 2001Secretariat established Jan. 2002Report to and meeting with government representatives and ministers April 2002Draft final report completed

11 020408 - LL OG21 Main targets Secure optimal economical development of the resources on the Norwegian Continental Shelf Strengthen the petroleum industry’s international force of competition Vision We want: world class competence a leading global industry We want to be: the most productive province of the Shelf

12 020408 - LL The Organisation of OG 21 OG 21 Board OG 21 Secretariat Group. 1 Group. 2 Group. 3 Group. n The Oil and gas cluster/ Forum of top leaders Recruiting Demo 2000 & commerciaisatinn Industrial R&D Board of Program IE/ Oil and gas, NFR Planning and evaluation Network Priority of fields/resources Project grants OG 21 Forum Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Strategic Research Board of Program, NT, NFR

13 020408 - LL Important link between educational insitution and industry - Build-up of competence via strategic research - Education of PhD students and exchange of researchers - Training/education of personnel for the industry Proactive in promoting new solutions - Targeted research towards applications Large group of international customers in leading edge technology - Updated on technology development in other parts of the world - Transferring new knowledge and technology to Norwegian companies Maintaining technical skill and competence in a field with large turbulence within oil companies and industry The Research Institutes' position in OG21

14 020408 - LL SINTEF-IFE Multiphase Development R&D Investment in institutes 500mill NOK in 1983-95 TROLL FIELD Savings in: Investment 500mill Production 500mill pr.y Total Savings 30 mrd. NOK

15 020408 - LL 011031 - LL

16 020408 - LL World leading R&D at Norwegian Institutes Rogaland Research Drilling and well technology, reservoir control, enhanced production, down hole water shut-down, supervision of marine environment Christian Michelsen Research Gas safety/explosions, ultra sound fiscal gas measurement, fluid flow measurement, virtual reality- visualisation Institute for Energy Technology Tracer technology, internal corrosion, modelling of multi flow transport, MTO-safety SINTEF-group - Petroleum Research Reservoir modelling, rock mechanics, seismic method development, gas hydrates, multiphase technology - Energy Research Burning of gas, LNG - Material Technology Stainless materials, fracture mechanics - Chemistry Modelling of oil contamination Marintek Marine operations – sub sea technology Hydrodynamic modelling

17 020408 - LL Expectations to OG21 Cluster Agreement on Strategy Define main challenges Agreement on the various actors’ role in the cluster Promote co-operation between the various actors - avoid conflicts of interest Focused and increased effort on targeted fields of development Focused and co-ordinated marketing of Norwegian competence Increased export of Norwegian products and services in an international market Considerable increase in Government funding needed to secure prioritized long-term R&D activities for years to come

18 020408 - LL CONCLUSIONS Challenges for the Institutes Further focus on niches where Norway and the individual institute has comparative advantages such as unique facilities or unique competence More uniform and coordinated marketing of the institutes towards a global marked as an attractive partner in the petroleum cluster Maintain and strengthen our international competitive competence as suppliers of R&D at the premises of the industry. Closer co-operation also with universities and contractor industry

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