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What do I need to do to be ready for high school and registering for my classes?

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Presentation on theme: "What do I need to do to be ready for high school and registering for my classes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do I need to do to be ready for high school and registering for my classes?

2 ✹

3 ✹ Find out NC graduation requirements. ✹ Talk to your family, teachers and friends about your educational and career goals. ✹ Investigate the options for elective courses that will help you meet your goals. ✹ Reevaluate your goals and the steps that you are taking to meet them periodically.

4 What classes are required for high school graduation?

5 ✹ Math I (Formerly known as Algebra I) ✹ Math II ✹ Math III ✹ 4 th Math Course beyond Math III to be aligned with the student's post high school plans ✹ Note: Students currently making below a B in Math may want to consider taking Foundations of Math I as an elective course to increase their potential to successfully complete Math I.

6 English I, II, III, & IV ✹ All English courses are offered as CP or Honors ✹ Students interested in Honors should have a solid A in their current English class ✹ Students will less than a B may want to consider adding Literacy Academy as an elective course to increase their potential to successfully complete English I.

7 ✹ Earth/Environmental Science ✹ Biology ✹ Physical Science (Chemistry, Physics, etc.) 9 th grade students will take either Earth/Environmental Science CP or Honors. Note: Biology Honors is not typical for 9 th grade students unless it is recommended by your current science teacher and you currently have an A or B in Math I.

8 ✹ World History ✹ Civics and Economics ✹ American History I ✹ American History II 9 th grade students will take either World History CP or World History Honors unless you want to take World History AP then you will take Civics and Economics Honors.

9 All freshmen students are expected to enroll in Health and Physical Education.

10 Not required for graduation, but is required for admission to many NC Universities including: Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, NC State, Wake Forest, East Carolina, UNC- Wilmington and UNCG. Note: Priority is given to juniors and seniors who need to complete these courses for graduation.


12 ✹ Vocal Music Beginning ✹ Band Beginning, Fall ✹ Band Beginning, Spring ✹ Visual Arts Beginning ✹ Theatre Arts Beginning ✹ Dance Beginning All of these courses offer an Intermediate level after successful completion of the Beginning level.

13 ✹ Navel Science I ✹ Navel Science II (Prerequisite Navel Science I) ✹ Advanced Military Studies I (Prerequisite Navel Science I)

14 Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources ✹ Agriscience Applications ✹ Agricultural Mechanics I (Prerequisite of Agriscience Applications) ✹ Horticulture I (Prerequisite of Agriscience Applications) Architecture & Construction ✹ Core and Sustainable Construction ✹ Carpentry I (Prerequisite of Core and Sustainable Construction) ***The majority of the CTE courses offer a second more advanced level that may be taken upon successful completion of the initial level. Several courses also offer an HONORS option.

15 Arts, A/V Technology & Communications ✹ Multimedia & Webpage Design ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher ✹ Vocal Music Beginning ✹ Band Beginning, Fall ✹ Band Beginning, Spring ✹ Visual Arts Beginning ✹ Theatre Arts Beginning ✹ Dance Beginning Business Management & Administration ✹ Personal Finance ✹ Principles of Business & Finance ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher ✹ Microsoft Excel & Access ✹ Multimedia & Webpage Design

16 Finance ✹ Principles of Business & Finance ✹ Personal Finance ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher ✹ Microsoft Excel & Access Health Science ✹ Biomedical Technology

17 Hospitality & Tourism ✹ Principles of Business & Finance ✹ Personal Finance ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher ✹ Microsoft Excel & Access ✹ Foods I Information Technology ✹ Multimedia & Webpage Design ✹ Computer Programming I ✹ introduction to Computer Science ✹ Principles of Business & Finance ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & ✹ Publisher ✹ Microsoft Excel & Access

18 Marketing ✹ Sports & Entertainment Marketing I ✹ Principles of Business & Finance ✹ Personal Finance (L.I.F.E.) ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher ✹ Microsoft Excel & Access ✹ Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering & Math ✹ Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Introduction to Engineering Design (Honors course) ✹ Multimedia & Webpage Design ✹ Scientific & Technical Visualization I ✹ Drafting 1 ✹ Digital Media ✹ Computer Engineering Technology 1 ✹ Network Engineering Technology 1

19 Transportation & Logistics ✹ Introduction to Automotive Service ✹ Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Publisher ✹ Microsoft Excel &Access ✹ Principles of Business & Finance ✹ Personal Finance Other courses of interest ✹ Parenting & Child Development ✹ Teen Living ✹ Interior Design I ✹ ROTC – Navel Science I ✹ Physical Fitness

20 ✹ Promotion to 10 th Grade: Earning 6 Credits ✹ Promotion to 11 th Grade: Earning 12 Credits ✹ Promotion to 12 th Grade: Earning 20 Credits ✹ Eligible to Graduate: Earning a TOTAL of 28 CREDITS as detailed by the state (4 Math, 4 English, 3 Science, 4 Social Studies, 1 Health/PE, and 12 Electives)

21 English I Math I Earth/Environmental Science Honors World History Health/PE Foods I Microsoft Word/Powerpoint (Honors Option) Theatre Arts Beginning

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