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 Ch 17 – Probability Models Objective  We will learn how to calculate probability based on binomial distribution model, as well as learn the associated.

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Presentation on theme: " Ch 17 – Probability Models Objective  We will learn how to calculate probability based on binomial distribution model, as well as learn the associated."— Presentation transcript:

1  Ch 17 – Probability Models Objective  We will learn how to calculate probability based on binomial distribution model, as well as learn the associated expected value and standard deviation. Closing task  I will complete and exit ticket in which I calculate the binomial probability of four events. Homework Pg 399 # 14-22 even Ch 17 Practice Quiz

2  Binomial Probability

3  Combination

4   What is the probability of rolling a “4” three times in five rolls? Example

5   2 nd DISTR binompdf(n,p,k)  Binomial Probability density function  Used to find exactly the k successes in n trials.  p = probability of success ( what you are looking for)  2 nd DISTR binomcdf(n,p,k)  Binomial Probability cumulative function  Used to find the probability of k or less successes in n trials. P (X ≤ k) ---- sometimes worded “up to” or “no more than” Calculator Tips

6   People with O-negative blood are called “universal donors”. Only about 6% of people have O-negative blood.  What is the probability that two out of the first five people are O-negative?  What is the probability that five out of ten donors are O-negative? Type O Blood Donors

7   People with O-negative blood are called “universal donors”. Only about 6% of people have O-negative blood.  What is the probability that up to two out of the first five people are O-negative?  What is the probability that no more than 4 out of ten donors are O-negative? Type O Blood Donors

8   People with O-negative blood are called “universal donors”. Only about 6% of people have O-negative blood.  What is the probability that at least two out of the first five people are O-negative?  What is the probability that at least five out of ten donors are O-negative? Type O Blood Donors

9   What is the probability that at least two out of the first five people are O-negative?  P(X≥ 2) = 1 – P(X ≤ 1)  What is the probability of rolling a “4” at least three times in five rolls?  P(X ≥ 3) = 1 – P(X ≤ 2) At least problems

10   People with O-negative blood are called “universal donors”. Only about 6% of people have O-negative blood.  What is the probability that at least two out of the first five people are O-negative?  What is the probability that at least five out of ten donors are O-negative? Type O Blood Donors

11  Binomial Probability

12   Only about 6% of people have O-negative blood.  How many O-negative donors would we expect to find in 50 people?  What would be the standard deviation?  If we needed 100 O-negative donors, how many people would we need to see? Type O Blood Donors

13   A basketball player has made 80% of his foul shots during the season. Assume he will go to the free throw line 12 times in a game, what is the probability he…  Misses 6 out of twelve of his shots?  He makes no more than 4 of his shots?  Makes at least 10 of his shots?  What is the expected number of shots he will make and the standard deviation? Hoops

14  Ch 17 – Probability Models Objective  We will learn how to calculate probability based on binomial distribution model, as well as learn the associated expected value and standard deviation. Closing task  I will complete and exit ticket in which I calculate the binomial probability of four events. Homework Pg 399 # 14-22 even Ch 17 Practice Quiz

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