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A Case study in Pronatalist and Antinatalist Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "A Case study in Pronatalist and Antinatalist Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Case study in Pronatalist and Antinatalist Policies.
India and Russia A Case study in Pronatalist and Antinatalist Policies.

2 Where are Russia and India in relation to the United States?

3 Where are Russia and India in relation to the US now?

4 What can we tell about India’s population based on the map? Russia’s?

5 What can this chart tell you that the cartogram did not?


7 Notice the growth in India’s population vs
Notice the growth in India’s population vs. the stagnation and slight decline in Russia’s population.

8 What are the projected changes to Russia’s population between now and 2050? How might this effect Russia?

9 How are the population trends in India different from that of Russia
How are the population trends in India different from that of Russia? What other observations can you make about the population pyramids from India? How are there more males than females in the Indian population pyramids? What kind of problems might a pyramid like this cause?

10 India Stayed in stage 1 of the DTM well into the 1940’s
India saw a decline in death rates after 1947 Received independence from England Death rate declined to 20/1,000 by 1951 Birth rate remained 40 RNI moved to 2% RNI has 2%

11 India Population Issues Current Population 1.2 Billion TFR = 2.8
Currently the world’s second largest population. A strain on national and regional resources (food, water, electricity, other forms of energy) Anti-natalist policies Trying to curb population growth Reach replacement levels Government policies Sterilization Family Planning Education Contraceptives

12 India 1952 National Family Planning Program Educate Families
Established free clinics Birth control is free or reduced prices

13 India 1971 1972 Began sterilization projects
Sterilized persons would be paid a fee 1972 Legalized abortions

14 India Current Government Policies
Pay married couples to wait two years before having children Allows them to finish school and get a job to support themselves Raise marrying age among couples

15 India Cultural Problems Many poor / agricultural families
Need children to work for food / money Prefer boys to girls Boys provide for parents as they age Girls leave the family and become a member of the husband’s family Girls are more expensive Families must pay for girl’s marriage Problem: families may “discard” female babies / be willing to give them up

16 India Cultural Problems Women are socially “inferior”
Can be seen as property Can lead to spousal abuse For this reason, most sterilization is done to women as opposed to men

17 India Cultural Problems Poverty Low levels of education
Strains on infrastructure / government programs Low levels of education Families are not educated on ways to prevent pregnancies Boys and Girls are married off at young ages Arranged marriages

18 Russia In population decline that is similar to many MDC’s / European nations. Russia began it’s pronatalist policies after WWI when a large portion of it’s population died. Pronatalist policies were pushed heavily during the Soviet Era Need to repopulate the country Have children for the “Motherland” Need people to work in factories and on the farms

19 Russia High emigration rates due to poor economic situations
Russian people are leaving the country to seek out new opportunities Leaves an aging population Government cannot pay for elderly Not enough workers to sustain government programs

20 Russia Problems A high death rate A low birth rate 15/1,000
Many due to alcohol Male life expectancy – 59 A low birth rate Poor economic situations Alcoholism in males TFR = 1.3 CBR = 10 / 1,000 For comparison, CBR in the US is 14 / 1,000

21 Russia The Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, addressed the Russian government to discuss the problem (November, 2010) Government Offers Baby Bonus for a third child Free / Reduced Health Care Free land to build a house Advocated for adoption Stop giving alcohol to minors

22 Russia Government Solutions
Allow a large number of immigrants / migrant workers Most come from Central Asia Most are Muslim Causes tension and clashes between Russia’s Orthodox population

23 Sources India. Population Growth. Russia. Population Decline.
India. Antinatalist Policies. India. Population Growth.

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