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European Fund for Strategic Investments - E F S I - March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "European Fund for Strategic Investments - E F S I - March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Fund for Strategic Investments - E F S I - March 2015

2 E F S I - A n I n v e s t m e n t P l a n f o r E u r o p e Europe urgently needs an Investment Plan Since 2007 (peak) in EU the level of investment has dropped about 15% Italy (-25%), Portugal (-36%), Spain (-38%), Ireland (-39%), Greece (-64%) A Plan for:  economic recovery  job creation  long-term growth  competitiveness

3 E F S I - A n I n v e s t m e n t P l a n f o r E u r o p e The “virtuous triangle”

4 E F S I - A n I n v e s t m e n t P l a n f o r E u r o p e



7 E F S I S e c t o r s & S u b s e c t o r s Social Infrastructure: - Education and Training - Education and Training (i.e., modernization of broader educational facilities) - Health Knowledge and the Digital Economy: - ICT infrastructure (i.e., datacenters) - Public R & D Energy Union: - Energy efficiency in buildings - Connections and production

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