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Today’s Agenda 10/30 Tomorrow’s Halloween Lesson One result of the growth of American business and industry in the early 1900s: child labor Finish vocab.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda 10/30 Tomorrow’s Halloween Lesson One result of the growth of American business and industry in the early 1900s: child labor Finish vocab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda 10/30 Tomorrow’s Halloween Lesson One result of the growth of American business and industry in the early 1900s: child labor Finish vocab

2 Copy the following terms into your notebooks (skip 3 lines between each): Corporation Stock Dividend Monopoly Trust Free enterprise system Vertical integration patent Bessemer process Sherman Anti-Trust Act Mass production Moving assembly line Sweatshop Collective bargaining

3 Effects of the Growth of Business and Industry 1. The rich get richer American business and business leaders (Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc…) make millions

4 2. American workers don’t share in the wealth – Long hours, low pay, dangerous conditions – Child labor becomes a major problem – Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire exemplifies the greed of owners and the plight of the worker

5 3. Labor Unions begin to form and gain power – Goal: better wages, safer conditions, shorter hours – How does a labor union protect workers? – How does management respond?

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