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By Noha Andrios Lesson 1 objectives In this lesson you will get to learn  How to read  And speak Dialog no.1 “meeting some one for the first time”.

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2 By Noha Andrios

3 Lesson 1 objectives In this lesson you will get to learn  How to read  And speak Dialog no.1 “meeting some one for the first time”. The dialog is in modern standard Arabic.

4 History Dialog No. 1 Home page Characters

5 History  There are two type of Arabic  Classical (the one used in old literature)  Modern (the one used today and which we are going to learn in this lesson).  It comes from Sam ( son of Noah) and from his descendents Ishmael (all are considered profits to Arabs due to their religious book Quran).  Arab believe that Ishmael is the one who improved the classical Arabic.  All types of Arabic start from right to left

6 Characters  There are 29 characters in Arabic In this lesson we will learn 17 of them in order to speak the dialog no. 1 1- Al-Hamza ( ء ) sounds /a/ as in am. 2- Alif ( ا ) sounds short and long /a/ depending on the word. As in Arc and application. Alif also drags other characters in sound. For example, when it comes with b makes it sound /ba/. 3- Baa ( ب ) sounds b as in book

7 Characters 4 - Jeem ( ج ) sounds /J/ as in jet. 5 - Haa ( ح ) doesn’t exist in English. In such case the best way to learn is to listen carefully and repeat over and over. 6 - Raa ( ر ) sounds /r/ as in red but rolled. 7- Seen ( س ) sounds /s/ as in sword. 8 - Sheen ( ش ) sounds /sh/ as in shepered

8 Characters 9 – Faa ( ف ) sounds /f/ as in fire. 10- Qaaf ( ق ) it doesn’t exist in English. It comes out from closing the throat. 11- Kaaf ( ك ) sounds /k/ as in ark. 12- Laam ( ل ) always sounds light /l/ as in lamb. 13- Meem ( م ) sounds /m/ as in man.

9 Characters 14- Noon ( ن ) sounds /n/ as in night. 15- waaw ( و ) sounds /w/ as in weight. 16- yaa ( ي ) sounds /y/ as in yard. 17- Taa ( ت ) sounds /t/ as in tea.

10 Dialog No. 1 Meeting someone for the first time  Hello my name is John - مرحبا انا اسمي جون  Hello I am Tina - مرحبا انا تينا  Honored to meet you Tina - تشرفت بلقائكي تينا  The honor is mine John - الشرف لي جون

11 Ready for a quick quiz? YesNo

12 Q1- How many characters are there in Arabic language? - 21 - 26 - 28 - 29

13 Q2- How is the character R ( ر ) pronounced? - Unrolled - Rolled - By using lips - By using throat

14 Q3- The character ( ق ) is pronounced by using your - Tongue - Throat - Teeth - Lips

15 Oops! That was wrong! Try again? YesNo

16 Oops! That was wrong! Try again? YesNo

17 Oops! That was wrong! Try again? YesNo

18 Congratulation! That was correct! Ready for question 2 ? Yes No

19 Congratulation! That was correct! Ready for question 3 ? YesNo

20 Congratulation! You finished the quiz successfully!

21 For questions or more please contact For more lessons and tools visit Or h ttp ://  All clip arts used under license agreement with Microsoft. Quit

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