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Early Reform CHAPTER 4 SECTION 2. Reforming Education  Why started:  Expanding education would help make decisions in a democracy;  Promote economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Reform CHAPTER 4 SECTION 2. Reforming Education  Why started:  Expanding education would help make decisions in a democracy;  Promote economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Reform CHAPTER 4 SECTION 2

2 Reforming Education  Why started:  Expanding education would help make decisions in a democracy;  Promote economic growth  Goals:  Create a tax-supported system of schools– public schools.  Major Leaders:  Horace Mann– Massachusetts senator; creator of the first state board of education.  Catharine Beecher and Emma Willard established schools for women.

3 Helping the Ill and Imprisoned  Mentally ill  Why started: upset that criminals and mentally ill shared same facilities.  Goal: Build hospitals that separated the mentally ill from prisoners.  Prisons  Why started: instead of punishing criminals, other methods should be used.  Goal: Reform prisons to make prisoners feel sorrow for their crimes.  Both reform movements were led by Dorothea Dix.

4 Alcohol  Industrialization brought about negative changes to society such as increased crime, sickness and poverty. Alcohol was seen as the root of these problems.  The goal of the temperance movement was meant to end alcohol abuse and the problems it caused.  Temperance = drinking in moderation.  Leader  Neal Dow

5 Reformation Part 2 CHAPTER 4, SECTIONS 3 AND 4

6 The Abolition Movement  During the 1800s, a growing number of Americans wanted to end slavery on moral grounds.  This began the abolition movement.  Methods:  Antislavery publications, abolitionist societies, gave speeches.  Leaders:  William Lloyd Garrison; publisher of The Liberator;  Frederick Douglass; former slave

7 Slave Resistance  By 1830, there were 2 million slaves within the United States, primarily in the South.  Slaves often took comfort in their religion, finding hope during their difficult lives.  Some slaves resisted by sabotaging their equipment, stealing from their masters, running away, and revolting.  One of the most violent slave uprisings was by Nat Turner in 1831.  He and his group of slaves killed over 60 people before being captured.

8 Free African Americans  Once African Americans gained their freedom, they were still discriminated against.  Slaveholders, especially, were troubled by the presence of freedmen.  They believed the large population of freedmen encouraged those still enslaved to escape.  A group of slaveholders formed the American Colonization Society (ACS), whose goal was to encourage migration of freedmen back to Africa.  This led to the establishment of Liberia, a colony for freed slaves.

9 Working Against Abolition  Many Americans (not just in the South) resisted abolition for various reasons.  Slavery’s economic impact in both the South and to northern industry;  Desire to avoid competition for low-skilled jobs with free African Americans;  Belief to some that African Americans are naturally inferior to whites.

10 Closing Question  Which of the reform movements of the 1800s was the most necessary to improve society? Why?

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