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Welcome to 9 th Grade Global Literature! (Find your assigned seat and grab handouts) I am Emily Gerrity.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 9 th Grade Global Literature! (Find your assigned seat and grab handouts) I am Emily Gerrity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 9 th Grade Global Literature! (Find your assigned seat and grab handouts) I am Emily Gerrity

2 Introductions “I am” Introduce yourself and tell me something dynamic, fascinating, poetic, in the moment, etc. about yourself. Include “I am” * Be an excellent listener! Examples: – My name is Ms Gerrity and I am a passport to the world. – My name is Emily and I am an explorer of life. – My name is Ms Gerrity and I am still waking up. – My name is Emily and I am a book filled with stories.

3 Welcome to Eugene IHS!

4 IHS Mission Statement: As global citizens at Eugene International High School, we aspire to value ________, __________, and ________and to act with __________, _________, and __________.

5 IHS Mission Statement: As global citizens at Eugene International High School, we aspire to value diversity, ambiguity, and discovery and to act with responsibility, integrity, and compassion.

6 Crafting Our Own Mission Statements As a 9 th grader in Eugene’s International High School, I aspire to…. As a human being I will continue to grow in the areas of… This trimester, I am willing to to work on…. My mission this year is to…

7 “I Am” Poem At least 10 lines in length Goes beyond a list

8 Homework Complete a final, lovely product of your “I Am” poem. Read the directions again before you continue. Decorate! These will be shared around the room!

9 Welcome Back! Assigned Seat Please have out your “I Am” Poem

10 “I Am” Poems After listening- verbally offer one positive, specific, attribute that you enjoyed or thought was memorable/noteworthy/ in the poem. Share with three people! Notice how you can read the poem in different ways with different pauses, breaks, etc each time.

11 Syllabus and Schedule “The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet” ~Aristotle~

12 “The Size of the World”


14 Nepal

15 Note-taking TEXT-to TEXT- Connect with something you have read TEXT-to-SELF- Connection to your own experience TEXT-to-WORLD- Connection to Global Issues & Original Thoughts/Observations

16 Homework Complete the Story “The Size of the World” Complete specific note taking (making connections and unique observations)

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