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Internet Social Networking Etiquette. What is meant by it? Internet social networking network etiquette is a understanding of how it is appropriate to.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Social Networking Etiquette. What is meant by it? Internet social networking network etiquette is a understanding of how it is appropriate to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Social Networking Etiquette

2 What is meant by it? Internet social networking network etiquette is a understanding of how it is appropriate to act on a social networking site. As a general rule you should act online as you would in your real life.

3 This is especially true due to the fact that what you post can never be forgotten or taken back as it is likely that it had already been seen and reposted by multiple people.

4 What are the etiquettes Not to give into any anger, that may come from the site you are using or from earlier in the day. You should be careful not to let negative posts get you into a thing that you end up writing something you will regret later as chances are that you wont be able to take it back. By that stage it probably has been reposted and seen by many. Your actions online form part of your reputation just as much as when face to face.

5 Check who exactly you are befriending, do you know them and how do they act when online. Remember the people who get added to your friend list become associated to you, and in doing so see what you write and can affect your reputation through what they post.

6 Think about what are in your photos that you post, these images will be accessible and possibly remained linked to you long after you have finished with them. Follow the general rule of whether or not you would show these to your parents, grandparents or boss. The images of you on you page provide a future employer a guide to your personality, and hence the more censored the photo, generally the less incriminating it is to your case. The other thing to consider is that certain pictures are not necessary your property to post. From a simple photo, you may create a problem for them, and a security risk for both of you.

7 Watch where you add links to, though the main purpose of a social networking site is to communicate with like minded people consider that you linking to a site discriminating against a culture or race would be considered as untasteful. Likewise linking to particular content types, builds someone's idea of what to think of you. Naturally not everyone will agree on your opinion.

8 Respect the boundaries of people. Though you now have a higher ability to connect to them, it is still just as annoying to them if you are always pestering them by sending messages multiple time. Also remember that you aren't as anonymise as you would think, you are still linked to an action and behaviour that wouldn’t be tolerate in real life is just the same as when online.

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