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Quality of context Quality of processesQuality of effects (General conditions and conditions of (Internal and external processes (Results and effects of.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality of context Quality of processesQuality of effects (General conditions and conditions of (Internal and external processes (Results and effects of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality of context Quality of processesQuality of effects (General conditions and conditions of (Internal and external processes (Results and effects of school work) school work) as well as features of these processes) Conditions: Structural Financial Material Personnel Social Intentions Educational aims Curriculum and national education standards Society‘s expectations Performance Changes Attitudes School and Lessons Leadership and management Aims and strategies Cooperation und communication School environment and culture Teaching and learning Education and upbringing Supporting and challenging pupils Advice and assessment Further development and innovation  Competence in subjects  Competence in methods  Social competence  Self competence  Satisfaction  Connections  Social participation

2 Project: “Self accountable school“ Project: “Self accountable school“ Target : Improve quality of the “school“Changes in „school culture“ Quality criteria in Thüringen Check lists (quality criteria) How others perceive our school Team of experts School visit Interviews Visiting lessons Analysing documents Looking round school buildings School report Agreement on goals Support system Assessment agency is the “Schulamt” = Local Education Authority How we perceive our school

3 Financing Schools are run by the district, by an authority called “Schulverwaltungsamt”. Our district is called Ilmkreis (only one district within the federal state of Thüringen) This district is responsible for financing the school building and technical staff The schools are not allowed to decide about the budget themselves, they get a fixed budget for one year which includes money for: office materials, teaching and learning materials, cultural activities and things like furniture Only local authorities have the right to pay bills, schools do not have own bank accounts or cash Head teachers are allowed to sign payment orders with a value of less than 500 Euros, others have to be signed by the local authority called “Schulverwaltungsamt” Construction works on the school building have to be planned, carried out and financed by “Schulverwaltungsamt”, schools are free to make suggestions; whether they are carried out or not depends on the financial situation of the district

4 Personal Management The authority that employs teachers is the Ministry of Education of our federal state Thüringen There is a surplus of teachers here at the moment (common situation in former East Germany, because of decreasing number of students at schools); the result is that they only employ a small number of new/young teachers The allocation of teachers per school depends on a central formula in which the number of students per school plays the most important role All teachers in our federal state work part time (which means teaching 19 lessons per week (fulltime: 26 lessons), they have to fulfil tasks e.g. working as a form teacher additionally, without getting paid additionally Almost all teachers are “Beamte” which means “civil servants” (advantage: they can't lose their jobs, but are not allowed to go on strike for example) The local school board decides where the teachers have to work; they have the right to send you to a school in their district Head teachers can ask for teachers, but the local school board decides in the end Development during the last years: head teachers are partly involved in personal decision making, but not allowed to neither offer vacancies nor apply staff themselves

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