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PHYSICAL EDUCATION. GRADE Participation Cooperation Effort Knowledge Sportsmanship.

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2 GRADE Participation Cooperation Effort Knowledge Sportsmanship

3 PARTICIPATION Students MUST wear sneakers –The sneakers MUST stay on their feet during class. (They must be tied.) Clothing should allow for active participation.

4 COOPERATION Students are to be good listeners when directions are given. They are to work with everyone else.

5 EFFORT Students are expected to work to the best of their ability throughout the class.

6 KNOWLEDGE Students will take either a written test on the game or complete one essay per marking period. –A study guide will be provided at least one week prior to any test.

7 SPORTSMANSHIP Students are to praise and encourage others. They should have a positive outlook. There are to be no bad “losers” or bad “winners.”


9 PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO PARTICIPATE If the student is to be excused for one or two classes, please indicate this with a note from home. If a student is to be excused for an extended period of time, a doctor’s note is required. –A doctor’s note is also required upon return to activity.

10 To contact me… My e-mail address is: – My phone number is: –610-237-6425 ext. 4351 or 4107

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