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Nazi Youth Policy Nazis in Power Part 2: Terror and Force.

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1 Nazi Youth Policy Nazis in Power Part 2: Terror and Force

2 Learning Intention Today we will examine Nazi Youth Policy and the extent to which people were controlled by the Nazi state

3 Distortion of Education - KU RE banned – only Hitler to be idolised Increased Physical Education – building a strong future army Biology – included racial theories which promoted Aryans as the master race

4 Persecution of Minorities - KU Jewish students segregated in schools Jewish schools built Eventually Jewish children excluded from education system

5 Forced compliance of Youth - KU Hitler Jugend (HJ) and BDM were compulsory by 1938 Focus changed to make organisations stricter, incorporating more anti- Semitism and military pursuits

6 Youth - Analysis Youth organisations were fun at first but became a string of endless political lectures and marching Girls were forbidden to wear makeup or have their hair cut – girls became resentful Parents were scared of the brainwashing of their children trough Youth Organisations therefore would not criticise Hitler in front of children

7 Nazis in Power Essay Plan we will now add today’s information on to the plan for this essay Youth Policy KU: Distortion of education – PE instead of RE Persecution of minorities – expulsion of Jewish students Forced compliance – HJ/BDM compulsory by 1938, other youth groups banned A:Fun at first, but became a strong of political brainwashing, girls forbidden to wear makeup/ cut hair Parents were too scared to criticise Hitler to children due to the control of them through Youth organisations Terror/ Force

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