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Graduate Travel & Research Funding Options Presented by the GSC.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Travel & Research Funding Options Presented by the GSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Travel & Research Funding Options Presented by the GSC

2 The GSC Funds... Conference/ Workshop Travel Conference/ Workshop Travel Registration Fee Airfare & Ground Transportation Costs Lodging Costs Research Travel (no already paid internships) Research Travel (no already paid internships) Airfare & Ground Transportation Costs Lodging Costs Plaques, facility rentals, some office supplies Plaques, facility rentals, some office supplies IF APPROVED → only for GSO use Only on a Reimbursement Basis Only on a Reimbursement Basis NO RETROACTIVE FUNDING NO RETROACTIVE FUNDING

3 The GSC does NOT Fund... Personal (office and research) supplies Food, coffee, refreshments Tuition, labor, scholarships Furniture Computer supplies  Software, hardware, discs, etc. Entertainment Gifts, flowers, cards receiving funds Certain conditions (paid internships, etc.) disqualifies one from receiving funds IF UNSURE, ASK BEFORE APPLYING!!!

4 Individual/Group Funding Maximum Funding  full funds up to $200 ($400 for 2+) of request 50% of remainder above $200 ($400 for 2+)  $600 max. per individual $1200 max. per group of 2 $1500 max. per group of 3 and above  max. of 30% total GSC budget per GSOStipulations  3 hrs of community service and valid request  1 request per individual per semester MUST PRESENT AT GRAS PRIOR TO OR FOLLOWING FUNDING

5 GSC Attendance Every person applying to receive GSC funds has to attend an absolute minimum of two GSC meetings per semester In order to get funding for the summer, these two meetings must have been attended the prior semester. Failure to do so will automatically disqualify the student from receiving any more funding from the GSC Exceptions are made for students who are signed up for classes or teach at the same time of the meetings – Students to whom such exceptions apply have to contact the treasurer at the beginning of the semester

6 GSC Attendance Cont'd No GSO shall fail to have an appointed representative at the GSC meetings – A maximum of two meetings per semester are admissible to be missed by the representative – In general the representative is the GSO president – If, for some reason the GSO president can not attend the meeting, the GSC has to be notified BY THE GSO PRESIDENT about who the appointed representative is – The GSO representative cannot be the same person as a GSC executive officer or a graduate senator NO EXCEPTIONS – Failure to do so will disqualify the entire GSO from receiving funding the following semester (including individual requests)

7 Community Service Rules  on or off-campus community service is accepted  individuals must not sign community service forms for themselves i.e. organization presidents cannot sign their own forms for community service hours; have a VP sign instead  community service used for ASNMSU and GSC funding requests can overlap  fill out the community service form provided on the GSC website

8 GSC Funding Applications Read the instructions for applying for GSC funding Read the instructions for applying for GSC funding Apply AT LEAST 1 month prior to scheduled departure Apply AT LEAST 1 month prior to scheduled departure NO retroactive funding by the GSC (except between July 13th and Aug 20th) NO retroactive funding by the GSC (except between July 13th and Aug 20th) Complete GSC Appropriations and Community Service Forms Complete GSC Appropriations and Community Service Forms application will not be considered without required signatures application will not be considered without required signatures VIOLOATION OF PROCEDURES WILL POTENTIALLY LEAD TO AUTOMATIC REJECTION OF YOUR REQUEST

9 Summer Funding Students traveling prior to July 13 th have to apply in the spring Students traveling prior to July 13 th have to apply in the spring If traveling between July 13 th and the beginning of the fall semester ( or if registration to an event does not open until the spring semester is over), one can apply within the first 3 weeks of the fall semester, but If traveling between July 13 th and the beginning of the fall semester ( or if registration to an event does not open until the spring semester is over), one can apply within the first 3 weeks of the fall semester, but – A letter of intent has to be submitted to the GSC treasurer before the spring is over, explaining why the student intends to travel to the event, and what the anticipated costs will be


11 GSC funding cont'd submit the following detailed cover letter (including budget)‏ community service form GSC appropriations form proof of registration and acceptance program information at a GSC meeting (to the treasurer) or the GSC mailbox in the Campus Activities office (Corbett Center)‏

12 Example

13 Application Deadlines Get applications in before GSC deadlines Always the 2nd to last GSC meeting of the semesterhowever, earlier is better 1 month prior to departure if also applying to ASNMSU 2 weeks prior to departure if NOT applying to ASNMSU GSC retroactive funding is in general prohibited (see Summer Funding for exceptions)

14 GSO FundingGSO FundingGSO FundingGSO Funding Deadlines Deadlines – subject to change 2 nd to last GSC meeting of Fall semester 3 rd to last GSC meeting of Spring semesterAmounts $200 for fall semester $300 for spring semester OR a one-time $500 for full yearApplication apply with same forms (indicate it's a GSO)‏ GSO needs certain amounts of points (see funding policy)‏Rules no longer allowed to distribute to individuals same limitations of purchases as mentioned before can be used for group activities as well

15 How to Get Your Money? Consolidate all your receipts don't forget to sign them Make photocopies for your records Submit all the collected receipts to Lydia Quintana in the ASNMSU office to begin the reimbursement paperwork In some cases the departmental accountants take care of this GSC treasurer has no power over ASNMSU's decision to reimburse you

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