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Unit 6 Shopping Trip At the meeting. OBJECTIVE 1.To help students with the topic about asking prices. 2.To develop the students’ listening skill.

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1 Unit 6 Shopping Trip At the meeting


3 OBJECTIVE 1.To help students with the topic about asking prices. 2.To develop the students’ listening skill

4 OBJECTIVE To help students with the difference between numbers and prices. To train the students’ speaking and listening abilities about the topic of At the meeting

5 Step 1 Warming up

6 LANGUAGE POINTS 1.Good morning, lady. Can I help you? 2.Do you want to buy something here? 3.Can I help you? 4.Are you looking for something? 5.What can I do for you?

7 How to tell what you want to buy? 1.Bring me a bottle of water, please. 2.Can I see a few sun glasses, please? 3.Can you show me a coat? 4.I need a pair of shoes, please. 5.I prefer a different color. 6.I want something in light color. 7.I want to see some neck ties. 8.I wish to order a set of furniture. 9.No, thanks. I am just looking around. 10.That’s not what I want.

8 Asking for information, advice, etc. 1.What kind is the most durable? 2.What size does it come in? ( 那些尺寸可 供选择 ) 3.Will you be having any more in? 4. You have quite a range, haven’t you? ( 你 们有好多品种,对不对? )

9 How to recommend something 1 ) I’ll meet you half way (我让一半) 2) it’s a real bargain. ( 这是真的便宜货 ) 3 ) cost price ( 成本价 ) 4 ) You won’t get a better buy than this one. 你再买不到比这更便宜的.

10 At the meeting

11 Discussion: What problems will appear in the meeting? □ the participants don’t know the purpose of the meeting. □ People often start to argue and then they get angry with each other. □ Lots of meetings have no written agenda. □ The chairperson just rushes through the agenda in order to finish the meeting on time. □ Some members are late so we have to sit there waiting until everyone arrives.

12 The meeting finishes late because too much time is allowed for discussion. □ Not all the items on the agenda are dealt with. □ Many meetings end without any decision being made. □ No one is asked to take notes of the meeting. □ The chairperson doesn’t control the discussion.

13 Listening practice Key 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.E 5.C

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