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JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. Enhanced Success Skills for Crooms Academy of Information Technology Fall 2013 – Week 5.

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Presentation on theme: "JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. Enhanced Success Skills for Crooms Academy of Information Technology Fall 2013 – Week 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. Enhanced Success Skills for Crooms Academy of Information Technology Fall 2013 – Week 5

2 OBJECTIVES Job Interviews Interview wrap up Thank you letters

3 Instructions for Interview Everyone should choose the correct number of questions from each envelope Do not look at your questions Hand them to your partner Decide who will go first

4 Job Interviews Format 1 st question – Tell me about yourself This should be your “Elevator Speech” 2 nd question – GREEN PAPER 3 rd question – GREEN PAPER 4 th question – BLUE PAPER 5 th question – YELLOW PAPER

5 Interviewer Fill out the Interview Assessment Sheet Be honest with the feedback

6 Let the Interviews Begin!

7 Curveball Questions Google is notorious for asking these types of questions: An example - Without using any of your five senses, how would you calculate the interior volume of a Japanese bullet train while submerged 3,000 feet below the Pacific Ocean, in a refrigerator? Another example – At 2:30pm on a Friday afternoon, how many people in San Francisco are on Facebook?

8 Purpose of Curveball Questions The answer itself becomes secondary The interviewer wants to see: How you handle the unexpected Do you get rattled? Are you calm? How well you can think on your feet How creative you are If you will play along (sense of humor) Your attitude

9 How to handle curveball questions Don’t let them see you sweat Smile, and take a deep breath Take a moment to compose an answer a little bit of silence is better than blurting out something sillier than the question You don’t have to be brilliant or witty Be yourself

10 What if the question is out of bounds? An out of bound question would be anything pertaining to your: Family life Appearance Religion Anything overtly personal You do not have to answer. Tell the interviewer you do not feel comfortable answering

11 Thank you letters Most applicants don’t send a thank you letter after an interview. You can always improve your chances of getting the job if you send a thank-you letter. Your letter should reiterate your core strengths and emphasize the value you offer. You can even add important information you didn’t get to discuss in the interview.

12 Sample Thank You Letter Name of person that interviewed you Title Address City, State Zip Dear Mr or Ms. Person that interviewed you: Thank you for meeting with me [INSERT DATE OR TIME] to discuss the [NAME OF] position. I enjoyed our conversation, and I am very excited about the possibility of joining your organization. I know what it takes to [INSERT INFORMATION ABOUT THE JOB] and I am willing to be a team player. You mentioned that you need [SOMETHING SPECIFIC SAID DURING THE INTERVIEW], and this is an area in which I excel. Again, thank you for considering me for this exciting opportunity. As you requested, I’m enclosing a list of professional references. Please feel free to call me if you need additional information or have any further questions. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Your name Enclosure: List of References

13 Practice Makes Perfect Over the next few years here at Crooms practice your elevator speech – it may even change over time. Continuously update your resume – you will have more to put on it as you begin to get more work & volunteer experience. Practice your handshake! Take advantage of the Guidance office, they WANT to help you!

14 Here’s to your Future!!

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