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WELCOME to IWF Graz Austrian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute (IWF)

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to IWF Graz Austrian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute (IWF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to IWF Graz Austrian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute (IWF)

2 WELCOME to IWF Graz Austrian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute (IWF) 3 Departments: Experimental Space Physics W. Baumjohann Physics of Near Earth Space H.O. Rucker Satellite Geodesy H. Sünkel

3 3IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Space Research Institute Almost 40 years of theoretical and experimental space exploration About 80 scientists and engineers from 11 nations in 3 departments Working topics:  Instrumental development  Gravitational Field of Earth  Space Plasma Physics  Solar System Exploration

4 4IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Magnetometer Front-end ASIC  Miniaturization (/4-5)  TID radiation hardness (x4)  Power reduction (/10)  Offset stability (/2) Complete active readout electronics for a fluxgate sensor on 20 mm 2 of silicon with 350nm structures

5 5IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Venus Express E-BOX Ausleger/Boom (90 cm) MAG-OS MAG-IS  Magnetometer group had the lead position  Extremely efficient international cooperation with TU Braunschweig and Imperial College London  Short development time (< 2 years)  Challenging thermal conditions around Venus (2 to 3 suns)  Design, manufacturing and qualification of the boom by the VEXMAG Team  Impressive science output

6 Modeling of MCs from in-situ data  Reconstruction of magnetic clouds from multi-spacecraft observations (e.g. STEREO) with a new method: non force-free, not prescribing the geometry  Yields more accurate shapes, magnetic fluxes and axis orientations  These act as constraints on models of coronal mass ejection initiation and their propagation in the solar wind Reconnection at the Sun  Determination of magnetic flux change rates and of amount of magnetic reconnection flux in solar flares from observations to test standard flare models  Comparison of total flare reconnection flux with magnetic flux in MCs to understand the relation between the solar source and the associated MC Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Clouds (MCs)  Code-Development for a numerical solution of the hyperbolic system of ideal MHD governing equations  Investigate propagation of MCs from the sun to Earth – interaction between MC and structured solar wind  Compare simulated parameters with observations; support for interpreting observations Solar-Planetary Relations

7 7IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Magnetospheric Physics Participating missions: Cluster: CoI (EDI,CIS,FGM, PEACE); DSP: PI (FGM), CoI (FGM,HIA) THEMIS: CoI (FGM); Vex: PI/CoI (MAG); MMS: Collab./CoI (Fields) RBSP: CoI(EMFISIS); BepiColombo: PI/CoI (MerMag) Cluster THEMIS RBSP DSP Vex BepiColombo MMS

8 8IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Radio Emissions  Antenna calibration  Cassini, Mars Express, Interball-2, STEREO, Resonance,  In preparation: JUNO, Solar Orbiter  Applied Methods: Rheometry, numerical simulation, in-flight calibration  Newly Developed Techniques and Software  Mutual Impedance Rheometry (Influence of mutual capacitances in triaxial antenna systems)  High-frequency transfer matrix representation of antennas, implemented in MATLAB antenna toolbox, 1. application to SED  Formula for the correction of antenna radii  Implementation of CONCEPT in antenna toolbox (wire & patch modelling)

9 9IWF/ÖAW GRAZ  Radio Emissions & Atmospheric Electricity  Saturn Kilometric Radiation (SKR)  Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR)  Lightning search and simulation (Titan, Saturn-SEDs)  Propagation of EM waves through plasma  Jupiter radio emissions, ground based observations  Solar radio emissions  Instruments  Exoplanets Radio Emissions

10 10IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Permittivity measurements Solid Surfaces

11 11IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Conductivity of glass beads mixtures and rough gravels as a function of gas pressure and grain size Solid Surfaces

12 12IWF/ÖAW GRAZ EC Grant agreement n° 228319 12 The Main Objectives of Europlanet RI / 2009 - 2012

13 13IWF/ÖAW GRAZ 13 EC Grant agreement n° 228319 Five Scientific Themes

14 14IWF/ÖAW GRAZ EC Grant agreement n° 228319 14 Science versus Infrastructures and Tools IWF

15 15IWF/ÖAW GRAZ EC Grant agreement n° 228319 7 Project Structure

16 Visit EUROPLANET Project Scientist  FP7 EUROPLANET RI  Visit of EUROPLANET Project Scientist  Dr. Vittorio MANNO   Monday, Nov. 30, 2009 (room 2.a.4)  2:00 p.m.  H.O. Rucker:Welcome at Space Research Institute (IWF) Graz  IWF Overview and EUROPLANET activities  2:30 p.m.  M. Scherf:EUROPLANET NA1 Observational Infrastructure  Networking  3:00 p.m.  M. Khodachenko: EUROPLANET JRA3 European Modelling and Data  Analysis Facility 16IWF/ÖAW GRAZ

17  3:30 p.m.:Coffee Break   4:00 p.m. W. Magnes: IWF Magnetometer and Thermo-Vacuum  Laboratory  4:30 p.m. G. Fischer: IWF Radio Emissions  5:00 p.m. M. Volwerk: IWF Magnetospheric Physics  5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: EUROPLANET Discussion   7:30 p.m. (downtown):Dinner  17IWF/ÖAW GRAZ

18 18IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009 (room 2.a.4) 09:30 a.m.: F. Topf and R. Stöckler:EUROPLANET SA-IDIS, JRA-IDIS, and Plasma Node 10:30 a.m.: Coffee Break 11:00 a.m. G. Kargl:IWF Solid Surface Investigations and Laboratory 11:30 a.m. C. Möstl:IWF CMEs and magnetic clouds 11:45 a.m. U. Amerstorfer: IWF Instabilities at Venus 12:00 a.m.- 01:00 p.m.:EUROPLANET Discussion 01:00 p.m.: Lunch Buffet 02:00 p.m.: Adjourn


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