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CORS National Survey of Canadian Ophthalmology Residency Education in 2014 Kim Le, MD MPH Lulu Bursztyn MD, Mona Harissi-Dagher MD Annual Meeting of the.

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Presentation on theme: "CORS National Survey of Canadian Ophthalmology Residency Education in 2014 Kim Le, MD MPH Lulu Bursztyn MD, Mona Harissi-Dagher MD Annual Meeting of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORS National Survey of Canadian Ophthalmology Residency Education in 2014 Kim Le, MD MPH Lulu Bursztyn MD, Mona Harissi-Dagher MD Annual Meeting of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society June 18, 2015, Victoria, BC Canadian Ophthalmological Residents’ Society (CORS) A Committee of the COS

2 Disclosure I do not have any affiliation with a commercial organization that may have a connection to the content of my presentation

3 Background CORS = 15 residency programs All meet standards but training experiences differ Limited info on national training – PubMed “Canadian ophthalmology residency” 10 hits – Resident satisfaction, jobs, surgical simulation, CaRMS

4 Purpose Describe the clinical, surgical and other educational activities across Canadian ophthalmology residency programs

5 Methods Cross-sectional study National online survey PGY 2-5 (Jan – March 2014) 10 questions – Clinical experience – Surgeries – Educational activities – Career plans

6 Results Response rate: 41 % By PGY yr R2: 25 % R3: 24 % R4: 26 % R5: 24 % Male 51%, female 49% Programn=65 UBC9 Alberta3 Calgary3 Saskatchewan5 Manitoba2 Western5 Queens3 McMaster0 Toronto10 Ottawa5 McGill8 Montreal5 Sherbrooke2 Laval2 Dalhousie3

7 Clinical rotations



10 Lasers (full procedures) %

11 Core surgeries (full cases) Mean (SD)Range Cataract 167 (145)1 - 460 Trabeculectomy 9 (9)1 - 32 Horizontal strabismus 33 (27)1 - 100

12 Subspecialty surgeries Retina %

13 Subspecialty surgeries Peds %

14 Subspecialty surgeries Cornea %

15 Subspecialty surgeries Trauma %

16 Subspecialty surgeries

17 Teaching Time (hours per week)

18 Research & Study % Time (weeks per year)

19 Rounds & Conferences (per year) %

20 Program Director meetings Frequency %

21 Fellowships

22 Subspecialties (%)

23 Discussion Clinical: 3-4 month rotations – Less: uveitis, path, oncology, refractive, low vision – Lasers: >10 of each (but less SLT/ALT) Surgical: 167 cataracts, 9 trabs, 33 strab – Subspecialty surgeries: 1-9 of each – Less: PKP, PRK/LASIK, Floor #, Buckle, PPV Educational activities: – 2 weeks research & study time – 1 Grand Rounds & conference Fellowship: 55% yes

24 Limitations Observational study Response bias Not based on graduation data Not stratified by program Volume = Competence?

25 Conclusion First publication to describe clinical, surgical and other educational activities of Canadian ophthalmology residents National trends help programs and individuals assess their own training

26 Acknowledgements Dan Rootman, UCLA COS sponsor CORS members participation CORS Business Meeting Saturday, June 20 @ 3pm Esquimalt room

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