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Media & Antisocial behaviour  Mechanisms by which media may affect antisocial behaviour  Research studies into the relationship

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Presentation on theme: "Media & Antisocial behaviour  Mechanisms by which media may affect antisocial behaviour  Research studies into the relationship"— Presentation transcript:

1 Media & Antisocial behaviour  Mechanisms by which media may affect antisocial behaviour  Research studies into the relationship

2 Media & Antisocial Behaviour  Theoretically, media may influence antisocial behaviour through:  Observational learning  New cognitions about aggression  Desensitisation  Disinhibition

3 Research Issues  Researching possible media effects involves a number of problems including:  Measuring exposure  Measuring aggression  The validity of the conclusions drawn also depends on:  Research method  Research design

4 Media Influences Research  Laboratory experiments  Berkowitz (1969) found increased aggressive responses following exposure to violent films  But only in PPs who were already angered  Indication of causal relationship  But short term and under artificial conditions  Presence of demand characteristics

5 Media Influences Research  Field experiments  Parke et al (1977) found increased aggressiveness following exposure to violent programming in natural environment  Supports relationship and has higher ecological validity  But abnormal sample (offenders) might be more susceptible & there was no random assignment to groups

6 Media Influences Research  Natural Experiments  Williams (1986) found increased aggressive behaviour following introduction of TV (Canada)  Charlton et al (1999) found no effect (St Helena)  Mixed evidence for a relationship  In both cases the PPs were from small, isolated communities with distinct local culture  No control over other variables in studies of this nature

7 Media Influences Research  Correlational research  Milarsky (1982) found small +ve correlation  Johnson et al (2002) found increase in aggressive behaviour with more than 1hr of TV a day  Suggests a small relationship between viewing & behaviour  Direction of causality?  Reliance on self reports  Families where TV viewing is restricted likely to differ from others in important ways

8 Media Influences Research “Researchers that believe in a link…have a tendency to torture the data until it confesses” Cumberbatch (2002) “There are fashions in violence, as in everything else” Van Velsen (1998)

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