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Rural Wings Training Satellite Communications System Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Wings Training Satellite Communications System Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Wings Training Satellite Communications System Overview

2 Why satellite?

3 Some characteristics of satellite –can be rapidly deployed beyond the terrestrial networks –offers high bandwidths such as 2Mbps/512Kbps (asymetric is typical though not mandatory –suits most situations, including data distribution, Internet, streaming, voice –has inherent broadcast/multicast capabilities –requires some care in installation –is less used for highly interactive applications like gaming

4 Equipment - Outdoors Satellite Dish & Transmitter Wireless Antenna Omni-directional Wireless Access Point

5 Equipment - Indoors PC / LaptopSatellite ModemRadio Receivers

6 Connections Coaxial To the Internet Satellite GatewayLocal Users Wifi Connections

7 Satellite Hub London Host Bewholme Home Bewholme How does it work? What happens when you type a URL ? Server Australia? Request sent by satellite Request sent by wifi Request sent by cable Page received by wifi Page received by satellite Page received by cable

8 Flexibility + Games terminals

9 Standards & Safety –The equipment complies with all relevant standards and safety requirements –These are too numerous to mention but are available on request

10 Performance –What can you do with 1 Mbps Time to download a photo Etc –Sharing Bandwidth Don’t always see top speed Shared just like ADSL Use it at non-popular hours –Characteristics E.g. batched surfing

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