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Vocabulary Unit 2 Words 11 - 15 8 th Grade. When there is a glut of material for sale, prices may drop dramatically. Glut: (v.) to provide more than is.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 2 Words 11 - 15 8 th Grade. When there is a glut of material for sale, prices may drop dramatically. Glut: (v.) to provide more than is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 2 Words 11 - 15 8 th Grade

2 When there is a glut of material for sale, prices may drop dramatically. Glut: (v.) to provide more than is needed or wanted (n.) an oversupply

3 Superman dresses as Clark Kent when he is incognito. Incognito: (adj., adv.) in a disguised state (n.) a person in disguise

4 Jeremy had so many accidents and traffic tickets that his driver’s license was invalidated. Invalidate: (v.) cancel, to make valueless

5 Michael Jordan is a legendary basketball player. Legendary: (adj.) well-known, famous

6 On the job accidents maim far too many workers each year. Maim: (v.) to injure, mutilate

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