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What is the purpose of education? A sample activity brought to you by #DLMOOC.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the purpose of education? A sample activity brought to you by #DLMOOC."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the purpose of education? A sample activity brought to you by #DLMOOC

2 Short free write (3 minutes) What should students learn in school? Why is this important?

3 Pair-Share (3 minutes) Turn to a neighbor and share your ideas

4 Questions (to consider while watching) Agreements: What aspects of what the speaker says do you agree with? Disagreements:Where do you disagree? Implications: How does our school align with why the speaker “loves education but hates schooling?”


6 Structured group conversation Round 1: First person describes where they agree with the video (1 minute or less). Next person has 15 seconds to paraphrase what person 1 says. Then 1 minute for their own answer.Continue to go around the circle. Round 2: Where do you disagree? Round 3: How does our school align with why the speaker “loves education but hates schooling?

7 Report out Questions and next steps o In the same small groups, create a poster to share with the whole group. o 3 key takeaways. Share out ideas with whole group

8 Whole group discussion Does our school encourage students to do work worth doing? How could we improve our school?

9 Extension Activity Looking at the themes that have emerged have students redesign a school from the group up. --What would this school look and feel like? --What would students be doing? Teachers? --Create an artifact from that new school

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