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The War with Mexico Mr. Calella American Studies I (Honors) Chapter 12.

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1 The War with Mexico Mr. Calella American Studies I (Honors) Chapter 12

2 Main Idea Tensions over the U.S. annexation of Texas led to war with Mexico, resulting in huge territorial gains for the United States. BIG IDEAS-Expansion, Settler

3 Events Leading to War American settlers in Texas “Texas Revolution” leads to the formation of the Republic of Texas Election of 1844 –Whigs nominate Henry Clay –Democrats nominate James K. Polk “Dark Horse” a.k.a. “Young Hickory”

4 Events (continued) Polk edges out Clay 1844 –Clay does not want TX annexation to get North support; Polk promises Manifest Destiny Before Tyler leaves, Congress annexes Texas by joint resolution (Why easier than ratify treaty?) –Polk then focuses on Oregon, “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight”; dangerous? –Things work out with Britain luckily Texas territory annexed into the United States, and Texas becomes the 28 th state in 1845

5 Causes of the War Mexico angry that U.S. annexed Texas (Why important?) Mexico owed U.S. money –$3M debt Polk as the “Dark Horse” and embodiment of “Manifest Destiny” Border dispute (Rio Grande or Nueces)-WHY IMPORTANT?

6 Cause of the War (continued) Negotiations to buy CA and NM for $25M-fail because Mexico refuses Polk sends Gen. Zachary Taylor (“Old Rough and Ready”) to Rio Grande to blockade with 4K troops Skirmish with Mexican troops leaves 9 U.S. soldiers dead Polk drums up support-agenda is Manifest Destiny!

7 Sectional Attitudes Toward the War SOUTH-Support, why? NORTH- Against, why? (Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience, Abe Lincoln, William Lloyd Garrison) How do you feel? Argue both sides! Iraq similar?

8 The War Polk gets Congress to declare war US army small, but many volunteers (many are immigrants, why?) 1 st war US fought to gain land and photographed U.S. take New Mexico (support of rich landowners) and California with little effort Polk negotiates compromise with England for Oregon Territory

9 The War (continued) U.S. had strong, young leadership (Ulysses Grant & Robert E. Lee) Also seasoned vets (Taylor and Winfield Scott- “Old Fuss and Feathers”) –2 Whigs; Should be important to Polk? –US wins battle after battle in N. Mexico –Feb 1847 US takes all territory north of Mexico City (capital) –Why did the fighting get more intense as the Americans moved farer away from the Mexican frontier and closer to the Mexican Capital?

10 Spoils of War Scott’s amphibious landing near Veracruz and eventual capture of Mexico City ends War- (WHY?) –Polk only 1 term and Taylor wins in 1848 Death toll: Mexico, 25,000 & U.S., 13,000 (11,000 Yellow Fever) U.S.-Manifest Destiny achieved by enlarging territory by 1/3 Treaty of Guadalupo Hidalgo –Rio Grande forms boundary –NM & Upper California ceded-$15M –Maybe Mexico should have taken $25M

11 Spoils (continued) Big Payoff-Gold discovered in CA –Jan 1848; Forty-Niners –Ethically and racially diversity –Growth of San Francisco –CA becomes state in 1850 b/c pop. Gadsden Purchase, 1853-See Map –For railroad building purposes Election of 1848-Taylor wins –Dies in first year of first term under suspicious circumstances


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