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Let’s look at the lists..

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s look at the lists.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s look at the lists.


3 Old Business 1.Script Submission 2.Registration 3.Practices

4 New Business 1.Google Form - Meet Registration 2.Finalized Scripts/Cuttings 3.Practices 4.Chaska Mock Tournament

5 Google Form ●I’ve sent a google form to your account for registration for tournaments. ●This is how I will register you - so you have to fill out the form or you won’t compete.

6 Finalized Scripts/Cuttings If you’ve shared your script with me, that’s great, but I would also ask that you put a copy of it in the “student pieces” folder in the drive so I can print them off when the time comes for sections.

7 Practices ●At this point, you should be performing for your coach. ●Starting next week, if you miss a practice, or do not perform at practice you will be dropped from the registration for that Saturday’s tournament. ●If you cannot make practice due to illness, you need to arrange an alternate time with your coach or category leader to make up your practice before you are eligible to compete. ●Your coach will have an attendance form for you to sign in on before your practice begins.

8 Chaska Mock Tournament ●We are not taking a bus. Please arrange to arrive at Chaska high school by 7:15 AM. ●Draws start at 7:30 ●First round starts at 8:00 ●You will speak 2 rounds ◦ One with your category ◦ One mixed (except discussion) ◦ Your rounds will have actual judges and critiques, but no scoring. ●Once you have spoken in your two rounds, we will meet back in the commons.

9 Captain’s Report Bonia | Ben | Koushik

10 12/4/2015 ➢ Pooja’s Pin Up Won ➢ Contact Captains with Ideas ➢ Feed my Starving Children ○January 15th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM ○It's a good cause let's all be there ○First & Last Name, email! ➢ Remind ○Text @kous to 81010

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