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By Gabrielle heard. Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Ebe and she wanted to take food to the pharaoh.

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Presentation on theme: "By Gabrielle heard. Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Ebe and she wanted to take food to the pharaoh."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Gabrielle heard

2 Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Ebe and she wanted to take food to the pharaoh.

3 One day she asked her mother if she could take some food to the pharaoh.

4 When she finally got to where she thought the pharaoh lived, she asked for directions to his house, but no one knew where he lived because he was so majestic.

5 She asked and old women who she thought would know and the old woman said, “Follow your heart”.

6 Ebe did not know what that meant.

7 So she went where she thought the pharaoh lived.

8 And then a falcon came and stole her basket.

9 The falcon was flying around her head. She yelled and screamed and then she remembered what the old the lady said, she had not followed her heart.

10 B ecause the falcon took her basket, she called upon Ialu (an Ancient egyptian god) and Ialu got Ebe’s basket. The pharaoh was so happy he said thank you to Ebe and gave her some gold. Ebe was happy and she went back to her home and she lived happily ever after.

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