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Years 1 – 2 Planning for English.

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1 Years 1 – 2 Planning for English

2 Jigsaw groups Share your thoughts from this morning’s lesson.
What do you notice about your interpretations of the lesson: similarities? differences? How did you know what to focus your observations on? Where was the English?

3 English SE tasks Observe teachers reading aloud – have a go yourself. Prepare your ‘emergency kit’. Plan, teach & evaluate at least one guided reading session Plan, teach & evaluate at least one guided writing session Carry out a miscue analysis on a Year 1 early reader Be observed teaching early reading The Early Reading Portfolio

4 How do teachers know what needs to be taught?

5 The revised PNS; teaching sequence for writing
DCSF (2007) Improving writing with a focus on guided writing Based on work by Bearne, (2002)

6 A text that teaches… Year 1 class - The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue
by David Armitage

7 Layering up the learning…
Year 3 class - Aztec, Inca & Maya by Elizabeth Banquedano The Spirit of the Jaguar The Aztecs, musicians, non-fiction texts, information books, notes, letters to the author, adventure stories based in Aztec times 5756

8 Unit plans for English Let’s unpick the Year 1 unit plan for Stories with familiar settings How do teachers then turn these into series of lessons?

9 Planning for learning What is my objective?
What do I want the children to have done at the end of this sequence of lessons? What will their learning look like (outcomes)? Why am I choosing these activities? What do I know about children’s literacy development that supports my choices? Are my activities age appropriate?

10 Planning a series of 3 sessions
Have a go? Choose either Phase 1 or Phase 2 and think through what you might do. Keep the objectives in mind but think through what your days might look like... Remember your planning headings but try to be creative. So, what might Phase 3 look like?

11 To go back and look at... From last week, the guided writing planners for the following: planning drafting editing and re-crafting When planning your sessions think through which group needs you and when.

12 Any questions...

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