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Assessment 101.  Underlying standards and rules affecting assessment considerations  WTC Assessments Prior to or part of Enrollment  WTC Certification.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment 101.  Underlying standards and rules affecting assessment considerations  WTC Assessments Prior to or part of Enrollment  WTC Certification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment 101

2  Underlying standards and rules affecting assessment considerations  WTC Assessments Prior to or part of Enrollment  WTC Certification Goal & Assessment Policy  Valpar Demo?? Time Permitting & If Wanted  Q & A

3 ◦ Provides Opportunity for Good Career Guidance ◦ Rules for CT Ed  780:10-3-2.Technology centers shall provide all students with information and advisement about career and educational options, administer assessment instruments such as interest inventories, aptitude tests, and achievement tests or acquire the results of such assessments prior to enrollment to provide career guidance, and provide support for students to help them be successful in their career pathway. Driving Forces

4 ◦ Standards for Accreditation of Oklahoma Schools  OAC 210:35-13-75. Assessment  (a) The technology center provides or acquires assessment documentation prior to enrollment to assist students making the appropriate choice for career major placement and in identifying the purpose, interest, and goals in attending the technology center. Results are provided to guidance and other appropriate staff and explained to the prospective student prior to or as a part of the enrollment process.  (b) The assessment of career skills needs, interests, and abilities of students shall be the primary basis for determining the appropriate CareerTech sequence of courses. Admission to the technology center shall not be contingent upon any single measure but upon a combination of factors including but not limited to achievement levels, aptitude, interest, work history, and ability to benefit in terms of employment or further education.

5  Every WTC student leaves with a completion certificate and a credential for employment  Assessments should be for a purpose  Always remember an assessment is a snap shot at a particular point in time and when combined with other information are most useful  Career guidance assessments serve as a representation of students’ attainment, progress, likes/dislikes, etc. and when used properly are useful to guide decisions…. not an end all be all


7  Secondary Population ◦ Perkins Coop Schools (includes all WTC sending schools except for districts 3 largest schools)  9 th grade – Career Exploration Inventory & Career Personality Inventory  10 th grade – COPS, CAPS & COPES administration and interpretation prior to and used to base Tech Tour sign- up choices

8  Secondary Population ◦ Non-Perkins Coop Schools Take COPS, CAPS & COPES after arrival (ACT PLAN no longer option & no interest component to ACT Aspire) New Plan developing to administer an interest inventory to 9 th graders in late spring Results will be utilized in early fall of the students’ 10 th grade to base program visit selections for Tech Tour

9  IEP Students from all WTC sending schools ◦ Referral Process ◦ WTC’s Special Needs Representative works with Special Education Teachers to determine most appropriate career assessment option  COPS, CAPS COPES  Valpar Pro3000 Assessment occurs spring before anticipated enrollment Special Needs Representative is member of IEP Team

10  CR101 (KeyTrain) Pretests with in 2 weeks  Reading for Information  Applied Math  Locating Information Goal: Relate student levels to occupational requirements to set student goals in Academic Center Goal: Every student leaves with their best Career Readiness Certificate (Action Plan goal in WTC’s Strategic Plan)


12 ◦ Assessment occurs prior to enrollment  COPSystem on-line  CR101 (KeyTrain) Pretests (Practical Nursing uses NLN PAX & KeyTrain) Enrollment selection occurs based on strengths, goals and assessment results An Individual Career Plan developed


14  List of Approved Assessments and Certifications ◦ testing/testing/20152016_ApprovedAssessmentList_Version6.pdf testing/testing/20152016_ApprovedAssessmentList_Version6.pdf ◦ Assessments should be aligned to the CM ◦ Assessments can occur when the student demonstrates readiness ◦ Approved assessments should show up as options for reporting in “Follow-Up” ◦ Requests may be made for additions to the list ◦ Matrix indicates A-F designation and reportable to Sending Schools for Transcripting ◦ Tech Centers decide which certifications best meets the needs of students and industry


16  Developed from ODCTE CTTC Approved List and Career Major Plans of Study.

17  Specific requirements and criteria are as follows:   90% attendance   Grade of B or better in the represented course   Passed an instructor administered, certification targeted, pre-test at 80% or better   Signature of instructor recommending student to take certification or licensure test


19 Kathe Corning Asst. Supt., Director of Student Services Western Technology Center 580-562-3181 ext. 213

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