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Outstanding Teaching and Learning Abingdon Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Outstanding Teaching and Learning Abingdon Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outstanding Teaching and Learning Abingdon Primary School

2 Vision Vision from Day 1 that we would provide Outstanding Learning Impressively Competent Teachers Whole school ethos of learning- staff action research

3 Is it working? KS2 Level 4+ National 2014 2015 from national 2011201220132014 2015 56 ch +/- 2014 KS2: Achieving level 4+ in reading 89-54660777884+6 KS2: Achieving level 4+ in writing 86=6460817886+8 KS2: Achieving level 4+ in maths 85-105266776975+6 KS2: Achieving level 4+ GPS 76+10NA 746786+19

4 Developing Expertise Developing Expertise in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Personal Subject Construct View- e.g. adult needs, personal growth, cultural heritage, gender Experience of own education Motivation, passion,enjoyment Subject Knowledge Calculation processes Counting process Algebra, Data handling, Place value, Geometry, Assessment Pedagogical Knowledge Developing thinking e.g. problem-solving and logical thinking Developing understanding e.g. contextualised learning (real-life maths), resource use Teaching styles:Modelling, scaffolding, exposition Focus for Observations: Which area is in need of most development?

5 CPD offer Nature of taskFocusPeriodVenueWeek ObservationObserve mathematical learning2 x ½ daysAbingdon Spring 1 week 2 ObservationObserve mathematical learning1 x ½ day 3 Lesson studyUnpick and further research plus SLT1 x ½ dayAbingdon3 Lesson studyUnpick a recent lesson and re-plan1 x ½ dayAbingdon4 ObservationObserve new teaching3 lessonsAbingdon5 Write reportConclusions and new learning1 x ½ dayAbingdon5 Team MeetingImpact on cohort plus SLT1 hourAbingdonSpring 2 week 5 Developing Expertise Focus on Learning and Challenge Expert group: 3 teachers Pre- task reading: Independent Review of Mathematics: Teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary Schools- Sir Peter Williams June 2008; Ofsted –Finnish pupils success in Mathematics 2010 Additional reading which you may need to read during the study in order to raise expertise: Key Understanding in Mathematics-Nuffield Foundation; The new National Curriculum 2014 Pre-start meeting with AW

6 The process Research led by data Closing the gap Thinking around the barrier Reading and on-line research Senior leaders fully involved in the process Passive girls/ SEN

7 Learning Without Limits Wroxham Primary- Dame Alison Peacock Children know their own learning best Lifting the lid on learning Pilot study Challenges Learning Partners

8 SEN v NON SEN Progress check – expected 7.5 accelerated 8 MathsReadingWriting SENNON SENSENNON SENSENNON SEN Year 6 Progress 912 1487 Year 5 Progress 876777 Year 4 Progress 81191039 Year 3 Progress 5851047

9 Learning Without Limits Year 2 Embedding practice Challenge check research NfER Research Mark Character Education Sharing best practice

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