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Chapter 6- Procedures. 6.1Introduction 6.2 Modules, Classes and Procedures 6.3 Sub Procedures 6.4 Function Procedures 6.5 Methods 6.6 Argument Promotion.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6- Procedures. 6.1Introduction 6.2 Modules, Classes and Procedures 6.3 Sub Procedures 6.4 Function Procedures 6.5 Methods 6.6 Argument Promotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6- Procedures

2 6.1Introduction 6.2 Modules, Classes and Procedures 6.3 Sub Procedures 6.4 Function Procedures 6.5 Methods 6.6 Argument Promotion 6.7 Option Strict and Data Type Conversions 6.8 Value Types and Reference Types 6.9 Passing Arguments: Pass-by-Value vs. Pass-by-Reference 6.10 Duration of Identifiers 6.11 Scope Rules Outline

3 6.1 Introduction Divide and Conquer – The best way to develop and maintain a large program is to construct it from small, manageable pieces.

4 6.2 Modules, Classes and Procedures Framework Class Library – Provides a rich collection of “prepackaged” classes and methods for performing many operations Mathematical calculations String manipulations Character manipulations Input/output operations Error checking

5 6.2 Modules, Classes and Procedures Programmer-defined procedures – FCL cannot provide every conceivable feature that a programmer could want – Three types of procedures Sub procedures Function procedures Event procedures – A procedure is invoked by a procedure call

6 The programs presented earlier in lectures each contained at least one procedure definition (e.g., Main) that called FCL methods (such as Console.WriteLine) to accomplish the program’s tasks. We now consider how to write customized procedures. 6.3 Sub Procedures

7 Payment.vb Program Output 1 ' Fig. 6.2: Payment.vb 2 ' Sub procedure that prints payment information. 3 4 Module modPayment 5 6 Sub Main() 7 8 ' call Sub procedure PrintPay 4 times 9 PrintPay(40, 10.5) 10 PrintPay(38, 21.75) 11 PrintPay(20, 13) 12 PrintPay(50, 14) 13 14 Console.ReadLine() ' prevent window from closing 15 End Sub ' Main 16 17 ' print amount of money earned in command window 18 Sub PrintPay(ByVal hours As Double, ByVal wage As Decimal) 19 20 ' pay = hours * wage 21 Console.WriteLine("The payment is {0:C}", hours * wage) 22 End Sub ' PrintPay 23 24 End Module ' modPayment The payment is $420.00 The payment is $826.50 The payment is $260.00 The payment is $700.00 PrintPay receives the values of each argument and stores them in the parameters variables hours and wage Notice that PrintPay appears within modPayment. All procedures must be defined inside a module or a class Console application uses a Sub procedure (invoked from the application’s Main procedure) to print a worker’s payment information.

8 The program contains two procedure definitions: The program contains two procedure definitions: 1.Sub procedure Main, which executes when the console application is loaded. 2.Sub procedure PrintPay, which executes when it is invoked, or called, from another procedure, in this case Main. Although the procedure arguments in this example are constants, arguments can also be variables or expressions. For example, the statement Although the procedure arguments in this example are constants, arguments can also be variables or expressions. For example, the statement PrintPay(employeeOneExtraHours, employeeOneWage * 1.5) PrintPay(employeeOneExtraHours, employeeOneWage * 1.5) could be used to display payment information for an employee who is being paid time-and-a-half for working overtime. could be used to display payment information for an employee who is being paid time-and-a-half for working overtime. 6.3 Sub Procedures

9 Format of a procedure definition Sub procedure-name(parameter-list) declarations and statements End Sub Procedure header: – is he first line. – ByVal: specifies that the calling program should pass a copy of the value of the argument in the procedure call to the parameter, which can be used in the Sub procedure body. Procedure-name – Directly follows the Sub keyword – Can be any valid identifier Procedure body – The declarations and statements in the procedure definition form the procedure body

10 Common Errors Declaring a variable in the procedure’s body with the same name as a parameter variable in the procedure header is a syntax error. Declaring a variable in the procedure’s body with the same name as a parameter variable in the procedure header is a syntax error. Although it is allowable, an argument passed to a procedure should not have the same name as the corresponding parameter in the procedure definition. This distinction prevents ambiguity that could lead to logic errors. Although it is allowable, an argument passed to a procedure should not have the same name as the corresponding parameter in the procedure definition. This distinction prevents ambiguity that could lead to logic errors. Defining a procedure inside another procedure is a syntax error—procedures cannot be nested. Defining a procedure inside another procedure is a syntax error—procedures cannot be nested. The procedure header and procedure calls all must agree with regard to the number, type and order of parameters. The procedure header and procedure calls all must agree with regard to the number, type and order of parameters.

11 6.4 Function Procedures Similar to Sub procedures One important difference: – Function procedures return a value to the caller, whereas Sub procedures do not.

12 1 ' Fig. 6.3: SquareInteger.vb 2 ' Function procedure to square a number. 3 4 Module modSquareInteger 5 6 Sub Main() 7 Dim i As Integer ' counter 8 9 Console.WriteLine("Number" & vbTab & "Square" & vbCrLf) 10 11 ' square numbers from 1 to 10 12 For i = 1 To 10 13 Console.WriteLine(i & vbTab & Square(i)) 14 Next 15 16 End Sub ' Main 17 18 ' Function Square is executed 19 ' only when the function is explicitly called. 20 Function Square(ByVal y As Integer) As Integer 21 Return y ^ 2 22 End Function ' Square 23 24 End Module ' modSquareInteger The For structure displays the results of squaring the Integer s from 1-10 Square is invoked with the expression Square(i) The Return statement terminates execution of the procedure and returns the result of y ^ 2 Console application uses Function procedure Square to calculate the squares of the Integers from 1–10.

13 Program Output Number Square 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 5 25 6 36 7 49 8 64 9 81 10 100

14 6.4 Function Procedures Format of a Function procedure definition Function procedure-name(parameter-list) As return-type declarations and statements End Function Return-type: Indicates the data type of the result returned from the Function to its caller Return expression – Can occur anywhere in a Function – It returns exactly one value – Control returns immediately to the point at which that procedure was invoked

15 Common Errors If the expression in a Return statement cannot be converted to the Function procedure’s return-type, a runtime error is generated. Failure to return a value from a Function procedure (e.g., by forgetting to provide a Return statement) causes the procedure to return the default value for the return-type, often producing incorrect output.

16 6.5 Methods Definition of method – A method is any procedure that is contained within a class: FCL methods Custom methods in programmer-defined classes

17 1 ' Fig. 6.4: Maximum.vb 2 ' Program finds the maximum of three numbers input. 3 4 Public Class FrmMaximum 5 6 ' obtain values in each text box, call procedure Maximum 7 Private Sub btnMaximum_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMaximum.Click 8 Dim value1, value2, value3 As Double 9 10 value1 = txtFirst.Text 11 value2 = txtSecond.Text 12 value3 = txtThird.Text 13 14 lblMaximum.Text = Maximum(value1, value2, value3) 15 End Sub ' cmdMaximum_Click 16 17 ' find maximum of three parameter values 18 Function Maximum(ByVal valueOne As Double, ByVal valueTwo As Double, ByVal valueThree As Double) 19 20 Return Math.Max(Math.Max(valueOne, valueTwo), valueThree) 21 End Function ' Maximum 22 23 End Class ' FrmMaximum Event handler btnMaximum_Click Handles the event in which Button btnMaximum is clicked


19 6.5 Methods Fig. 6.7Math class methods. It is not necessary to add an assembly reference to use the Math class methods in a program, because class Math is located in namespace System, which is implicitly added to all console applications.

20 6.6 Argument Promotion Coercion of arguments – The forcing of arguments to be appropriate data type so that they can be passed to a procedure. Visual Basic supports both: – Widening conversion Occurs when a type is converted to another type without losing data – Narrowing conversion Occurs when there is potential for data loss during the conversion

21 Widening conversion Math class method Sqrt can be called with an Integer argument, even though the method is defined in the Math class to receive a Double argument. The statement Console.Write(Math.Sqrt(4)) correctly evaluates Math.Sqrt(4) and prints the value 2. Visual Basic promotes (i.e., converts) the Integer value 4 to the Double value 4.0 before the value is passed to Math.Sqrt. In this case, the argument value does not correspond precisely to the parameter type in the method definition, so an implicit widening conversion changes the value to the proper type before the method is called.

22 Narrowing conversion Visual Basic also performs narrowing conversions on arguments passed to procedures. For example, if String variable number contains the value "4", the method call Math.Sqrt(number) correctly evaluates to 2. However, some implicit narrowing conversions can fail, resulting in runtime errors and logic errors. For example, if number contains the value "hello", passing it as an argument to method Math.Sqrt causes a runtime error.

23 6.6 Argument Promotion Fig. 6.8Widening conversions.

24 In mixed-type expressions In mixed-type expressions, each value is promoted to the “highest” data type in the expression (i.e., widening conversions are made until the values are of the same type). For example, if singleNumber is of type Single and integerNumber is of type Integer, when Visual Basic evaluates the expression singleNumber + integerNumber the value of integerNumber is converted to type Single, then added to single-Number, producing a Single result. Although the values’ original data types are maintained, a temporary version of each value is created for use in the expression, and the data types of the temporary versions are modified appropriately. 6.6 Argument Promotion

25 Visual Basic provides several options for controlling the way the compiler handles data types. These options can help programmers eliminate such errors as those caused by narrowing conversions, making code more reliable and secure. 6.7 Option Strict and Data-Type Conversions

26 Option Explicit – Set to On by default – Forces the programmer to declare explicitly all variables before they are used Option strict – Set to Off by default – When set to On, it forces the programmer to perform an explicit conversion for all narrowing conversions

27 Option Strict can be activated through the IDE by right-clicking the project name in the Solution Explorer. From the resulting menu, select Properties to open the Property Pages dialog. From the directory tree on the left side of the dialog, select Build from the Common Properties list. In the middle of the dialog is a drop-down box labeled Option Strict:. By default, the option is set to Off. Choose On from the dropdown box and press Apply. 6.7 Option Strict and Data-Type Conversions

28 6.8 Value Types and Reference Types 1.Variable of a value type – Contains the actual data – Used for a single piece of data Integer Double 2.Variable of a reference type – Contains a location in memory where data is stored. – Known as objects All Visual Basic data types can be categorized as either:

29 Both value types and reference types include built-in types and types that the programmer can create. The built-in value types include: – the integral types (Byte, Short, Integer and Long), – the floating-point types (Single and Double) – and types Boolean, Date, Decimal and Char. The built-in reference types include: – Object – and String. The value types that can be constructed by the programmer include Structure s and Enum erations. The reference types that can be created by the programmer include classes, interfaces and delegates. 6.8 Value Types and Reference Types

30 Literals: Values typed directly in program code Each literal corresponds to one of the primitive data types. Some of Visual Basic’s data types use special notations for creating literals. For instance, to create a literal of type Char, follow a single- character String with the type character c. The statement Dim character As Char = "Z"c declares Char variable character and initializes it to the "Z" character. 6.8 Value Types and Reference Types

31 Fig. 6.11Literals with type characters. 6.8 Value Types and Reference Types

32 6.9 Passing Arguments: Pass-by-Value vs. Pass-by-Reference Pass-by-value – The program makes a copy of the argument’s value and passes that copy to the called procedure – changes to the called procedure’s copy do not affect the original variable’s value. Pass-by-reference – The caller gives the called procedure the ability to access and modify the caller’s original data directly.

33 1 ' Fig. 6.12: ByRefTest.vb 2 ' Demonstrates passing by reference. 3 4 Module modByRefTest 5 6 ' squares three values ByVal and ByRef, displays results 7 Sub Main() 8 Dim number1 As Integer = 2 9 10 Console.WriteLine("Passing a value-type argument by value:") 11 Console.WriteLine("Before calling SquareByValue, " & _ 12 "number1 is {0}", number1) 13 SquareByValue(number1) ' passes number1 by value 14 Console.WriteLine("After returning from SquareByValue, " & _ 15 "number1 is {0}" & vbCrLf, number1) 16 17 Dim number2 As Integer = 2 18 19 Console.WriteLine("Passing a value-type argument" & _ 20 " by reference:") 21 Console.WriteLine("Before calling SquareByReference, " & _ 22 "number2 is {0}", number2) 23 SquareByReference(number2) ' passes number2 by reference 24 Console.WriteLine("After returning from " & _ 25 "SquareByReference, number2 is {0}" & vbCrLf, number2) 26 27 Dim number3 As Integer = 2 28 When number1 is passed, a copy of the value is passed to the procedure A reference to the value stored in number2 is being passed

34 29 Console.WriteLine("Passing a value-type argument" & _ 30 " by reference, but in parentheses:") 31 Console.WriteLine("Before calling SquareByReference " & _ 32 "using parentheses, number3 is {0}", number3) 33 SquareByReference((number3)) ' passes number3 by value 34 Console.WriteLine("After returning from " & _ 35 "SquareByReference, number3 is {0}", number3) 36 37 End Sub ' Main 38 39 ' squares number by value (note ByVal keyword) 40 Sub SquareByValue(ByVal number As Integer) 41 Console.WriteLine("After entering SquareByValue, " & _ 42 "number is {0}", number) 43 number *= number 44 Console.WriteLine("Before exiting SquareByValue, " & _ 45 "number is {0}", number) 46 End Sub ' SquareByValue 47 48 ' squares number by reference (note ByRef keyword) 49 Sub SquareByReference(ByRef number As Integer) 50 Console.WriteLine("After entering SquareByReference" & _ 51 ", number is {0}", number) 52 number *= number 53 Console.WriteLine("Before exiting SquareByReference" & _ 54 ", number is {0}", number) 55 End Sub ' SquareByReference 56 57 End Module ' modByRefTest ByVal indicates that value-type arguments should be passed by value ByRef gives direct access to the value stored in the original variable Enclosing arguments in parenthesis forces pass-by-value even if using ByRef

35 Program Output Passing a value-type argument by value: Before calling SquareByValue, number1 is 2 After entering SquareByValue, number is 2 Before exiting SquareByValue, number is 4 After returning from SquareByValue, number1 is 2 Passing a value-type argument by reference: Before calling SquareByReference, number2 is 2 After entering SquareByReference, number is 2 Before exiting SquareByReference, number is 4 After returning from SquareByReference, number2 is 4 Passing a value-type argument by reference, but in parentheses: Before calling SquareByReference using parentheses, number3 is 2 After entering SquareByReference, number is 2 Before exiting SquareByReference, number is 4 After returning from SquareByReference, number3 is 2

36 Passing value-type arguments with keyword ByRef is useful when procedures need to alter argument values directly. However, passing by reference can weaken security, because the called procedure can modify the caller’s data. Passing value-type arguments with keyword ByRef is useful when procedures need to alter argument values directly. However, passing by reference can weaken security, because the called procedure can modify the caller’s data. Reference-type variables passed with keyword ByVal are effectively passed by reference, as the value that is copied is the reference for the object. Reference-type variables passed with keyword ByVal are effectively passed by reference, as the value that is copied is the reference for the object. Although Visual Basic allows programmers to use keyword ByRef with reference-type parameters, it is usually not necessary to do so except with type String. Although Visual Basic allows programmers to use keyword ByRef with reference-type parameters, it is usually not necessary to do so except with type String. 6.9 Passing Arguments: Pass-by-Value vs. Pass- by-Reference

37 6.10 Duration of Identifiers Identifier’s duration: Period during which the identifier exists in memory 1.Automatic duration – Identifiers that represent local variables in a procedure have automatic duration 2.Instance variable – A variable declared in a class – They exist as long as their containing class is loaded in memory Identifier’s scope: Portion of a program in which the variable’s identifier can be referenced

38 6.11 Scope Rules Possible scopes – Class scope Begins at the class identifier after keyword Class and terminates at the End Class statement – Module scope Variable declared in a module have module scope, which is similar to class scope – Namespace scope Procedures defined in a module have namespace scope, which generally means that they may be accessed throughout a project – Block scope Identifiers declared inside a block, such as the body of a procedure definition or the body of an If/Then selection structure, have block scope

39 1 ' Fig. 6.13: Scoping.vb 2 ' Demonstrates scope rules and instance variables. 3 4 Public Class FrmScoping 5 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 6 7 Friend WithEvents lblOutput As System.Windows.Forms.Label 8 9 ' Windows Form Designer generated code 10 11 ' instance variable can be used anywhere in class 12 Dim value As Integer = 1 13 14 ' demonstrates class scope and block scope 15 Private Sub FrmScoping_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ 16 ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 17 18 ' variable local to FrmScoping_Load hides instance variable 19 Dim value As Integer = 5 20 21 lblOutput.Text = "local variable value in" & _ 22 " FrmScoping_Load is " & value 23 24 MethodA() ' MethodA has automatic local value 25 MethodB() ' MethodB uses instance variable value 26 MethodA() ' MethodA creates new automatic local value 27 MethodB() ' instance variable value retains its value 28 29 lblOutput.Text &= vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "local variable " & _ 30 "value in CScoping_Load is " & value 31 End Sub ' FrmScoping_Load This variable is hidden in any procedure that declares a variable named value

40 32 ' automatic local variable value hides instance variable 34 Sub MethodA() 35 Dim value As Integer = 25 ' initialized after each call 36 37 lblOutput.Text &= vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "local variable " & _ 38 "value in MethodA is " & value & " after entering MethodA" 39 value += 1 40 lblOutput.Text &= vbCrLf & "local variable " & _ 41 "value in MethodA is " & value & " before exiting MethodA" 42 End Sub ' MethodA 43 44 ' uses instance variable value 45 Sub MethodB() 46 lblOutput.Text &= vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "instance variable" & _ 47 " value is " & value & " after entering MethodB" 48 value *= 10 49 lblOutput.Text &= vbCrLf & "instance variable " & _ 50 "value is " & value & " before exiting MethodB" 51 End Sub ' MethodB 52 53 End Class ' FrmScoping When MethodB procedure refers to variable value, the instance variable value (line 12) is used. Automatic variable value is destroyed when MethodA terminates


42 Conclusion Experience has shown that the best way to develop and maintain a large program is to construct it from small, manageable pieces. This technique is known as divide and conquer. Visual Basic programs consist of many pieces, including modules and classes. Three types of procedures exist: Sub procedures, Function procedures and event procedures.

43 The characteristics of Function procedures are similar to those of Sub procedures. However, Function procedures return a value to the caller. If a Function procedure body does not specify a Return statement, program control returns to the point at which a procedure was invoked when the End Function keywords are encountered. Conclusion

44 An event represents a user action, such as the clicking of a button. Widening conversion occurs when a type is converted to another type without losing data. Narrowing conversion occurs when there is potential for data loss during a conversion. Some narrowing conversions can fail, resulting in runtime errors and logic errors. Conclusion

45 Option Explicit, which is set to On by default, forces the programmer to declare all variables explicitly before they are used in a program. Forcing explicit declarations eliminates spelling errors and other subtle errors that may occur if Option Explicit is turned Off. Option Strict, which is set to Off by default, increases program clarity and reduces debugging time. When set to On, Option Strict requires the programmer to perform all narrowing conversions explicitly. Conclusion

46 All data types can be categorized as either value types or reference types. A variable of a value type contains data of that type. A variable of a reference type contains the location in memory where the data is stored. Both value and reference types include built-in types and types that programmers can create. Values typed directly in program code are called literals. Each literal corresponds to one of the primitive data types. Some of Visual Basic’s data types use special notations, such as type characters, for creating literals. Conclusion

47 Arguments are passed in one of two ways: Pass-by-value and pass-by-reference. When an argument is passed by value, the program makes a copy of the argument’s value and passes that copy to the called procedure. Changes to the called procedure’s copy do not affect the original variable’s value. When an argument is passed by reference, the caller gives the procedure the ability to access and modify the caller’s original data directly. Pass-by-reference can improve performance, because it eliminates the need to copy large data items, such as large objects; however, pass-by-reference can weaken security, because the called procedure can modify the caller’s data. Conclusion

48 Value-type arguments enclosed in parentheses, (), are passed by value even if the procedure header declares the parameter with keyword ByRef. An identifier’s duration (also called its lifetime) is the period during which the identifier exists in memory. Identifiers that represent local variables in a procedure (i.e., parameters and variables declared in the procedure body) have automatic duration. Automatic-duration variables are created when program control enters the procedure in which they are declared, exist while the procedure is active and are destroyed when the procedure is exited. Conclusion

49 The scope of a variable, reference or procedure identifier is the portion of the program in which the identifier can be accessed. The possible scopes for an identifier are class scope, module scope, namespace scope and block scope. Conclusion

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