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Presentation on theme: "Migration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration

2 Migration You already know one form of it… Why do animals migrate?
Can the reasons for the migration of animals be applied to humans?

3 What is it? Migration is the process of relocating to a new region
A person who leaves a country is called an emigrant and when they settle in another they are called an immigrant

4 Who are Immigrants?

5 Why do people move from place to place?
The reasons for migrating are known as push-pull factors. Push Factors cause people to leave an area. Pull Factors attract people to another area. The causes of migration are environmental, economic, cultural, or political.

6 Push Factors Environmental Economic Cultural Political
Unstable Weather Hurricanes, Earthquakes Drought Crop Failure Economic High unemployment Poverty Cultural Limits on Freedom Slavery Political Escape from war or persecution Forced removal

7 Pull Factors Environmental Economic Cultural Political Stable Weather
Warmer & Safer Climates Abundant Resources Economic Job Opportunities Create more Wealth Cultural Personal Freedom Return to homeland Political More Stability/Security Less wars

8 Push or Pull Factor PUSH PULL Education Poor Economy Crop Failure
Employment Poverty Wealth Fertile Land War Personal Freedom Attractive Climate Lack of Services

9 Push-Pull Factors Which factor do you think is most often the cause of migration?

10 Effects of Migration Cultural Economic Political
Good: Adds Diversity (many different ways to think about or do something) More diversity = STRONGER region Bad: Discrimination No jobs or housing Economic Good: brings in needed workers & skills Bad: jobs are scarce, limited resources or skills Political Good: contributions that lead to citizenship Bad: viewed as unwanted or dangerous, so treated badly

11 Immigration = More Culture

12 Earliest Human Migration watch for push-pull factors…

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